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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 21:44:35
再问: 亲,百度的可能和同学重了
再答: On the 10th week Yiqiru Cool weather today, I feel it would be ni ce. I went to the bookstores. I found a ve ry interesting book called "death Notes." I read a long time, simply enchanted, an d I think this is a very good book. 周一 七月10日 今天天气凉爽,所以我的心情也很好。我 去了书城。我发现了一本非常有趣的书, 叫《死亡笔记》。我看了很久,简直入迷 了,我认为这是一本很好的书。 The evening, the mother and I would go with a walk. Sun has to go home. Fancy a rise of scen ery, a very beautiful. Afterglow some lik e the bottom of the river, and some like a fierce dragon, and some people like th e Dragon Boat Festival race, like a beaut iful princess in fancy walking, how elega nt! 傍晚,我和妈妈一起去散步。 太阳已经回家了。天边升起了一片晚霞, 非常美丽。晚霞有的像清澈的小河,有的 像张牙舞爪的龙,有的像端午节人们赛龙 舟,还有的像一位美丽的公主在天边散步 ,多么优雅呀!
再答: 多找找
再问: 这两篇我在百度看到过
再答: 好吧