作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语介绍人物作文条件:Name Jim GreenTelephone Number.278-7932Hobby:sing

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 00:37:45
条件:Name Jim Green
Telephone Number.278-7932
Hobby:sing and dancing、
One friend of mine who named Jim Green is outgoing and outstanding.He is a 16-year-old boy.Although he is young,he can speak English very well and he likes helping others.Jim Green's hobbies are singing and dancing.If you want to learn dancing you can call him ,his telephone number is 278-7932.
再问: 还有其他的种类吗?????不是这种啊.....是介绍人物
再答: 你的介绍,是怎么个介绍法?
再问: 直接介绍他的人,,还有家族姓氏 还有直接介绍电话,,,,,急需啊,可以帮帮我嘛??谢谢了
再答: 是单个单个的句子?还是要连成一段的?
再问: 一个一个句子的 比如 A:...... B:.....
再答: 介绍家族姓氏能说清楚一点吗?
再问: 我只知道他的名字是 Jim Green,,说错了,,是一段的
再答: Jim Green ,his first name is Jim ,last name is Green . His telephone number is 278-7932. He like singing and dancing. 这是简单句。