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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 12:04:44
If the International Monetary Fund is right, the credit crisis that began last year could turn out to be the most expensive financial crisis in history, measured in dollar terms.
The Fund estimates that expected losses and writedowns on US assets could total $945bn (€600bn, £480bn), compared with roughly $750bn in losses from the Japanese economic crisis of the 1990s.
IMF officials caution that these numbers are not strictly comparable. The figure for Japan in the 1990s represents actual realised losses; the $945bn figure for the US credit crisis is an estimate of expected losses and writedowns, based on market prices in mid-March.
Since that point financial markets have recovered some ground. Moreover, the IMF's cash-flow based analysis suggests that the ultimate losses on some securities could be less than market prices suggest even after this rebound.
Nonetheless, the estimate highlights the fact that the current crisis and the Japanese crisis a decade ago are at least of a similar order of magnitude in dollar terms.
The Fund points to three main differences between the two crises. First, relative to the size of the US economy, the likely losses in the current crisis are substantially smaller - about 7 per cent of gross domestic product compared with about 15 per cent in Japan.
Second, in the case of Japan, banks bore almost all the losses. This time, the IMF believes that nearly half the ultimate losses will be taken by non-bank financial institutions - including pension funds, insurance companies, government-sponsored enterprises and hedge funds.
Third, unlike in the case of Japan, a substantial - if hard to estimate - proportion of the total losses will be borne by financial institutions outside the US.
The IMF estimates that European banks' expected losses on subprime loans, securities and off-balance sheet investments total about $120bn, only about $20bn less than US banks' losses on this set of exposures.
In principle, the diversification of losses across institutions and around the world should make it easier for the financial system to digest them. However, it also increases the danger that damage to bank balance sheets could result in a credit squeeze extending beyond the US.
Moreover, the degree of leverage in the system has increased dramatically in recent years, making banks and other institutions more vulnerable to the credit shock, the IMF says.
It says the total assets of the top 10 banks in the US and Europe nearly doubled from mid-2004 to mid-2007, as banks made increasing use of off-balance sheet vehicles and trading portfolios to hold highly rated structured credit products with low risk-weightings.
Over the same period their risk-weighted assets - the basis of regulatory capital assessments designed to ensure that banks hold sufficient capital to meet their obligations - increased by only about 20 per cent.