作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

请你吃饭 英语多种表达

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 02:00:39
请你吃饭 英语多种表达
1 我想请你吃饭
I want to treat you to dinner ( 可以)
还见过有些 treat you for dinner 的,我看到辞典的搭配是 treat sb to sth .
请问 treat you for dinner
2 我想请你吃饭 ( 再 写两种 其他的同义句子
3 这几天你有空吗?我想请你全家人吃饭,对我长期以来的帮助和照顾
4 他想约我吃饭,我已经接受了 / 我拒绝了
5 你今天晚上约了谁一起吃饭呢?
6 你想请谁吃饭
2.I'd like to invite you to dinner/my treat 3.
Are you free these days?I want to invite you whole family to eat meal to thank you for the help and care for a long time 4
He wants to ask me for dinner,I have already accepted \ / I refused.5.Who do you have a date tonight to eat together?6.Who do you want to treat?你是吃货么?哈哈