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英语翻译ConclusionThe spread of resistance genes has occurred in

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:03:51
The spread of resistance genes has occurred independently in all treated areas,and in the regions where detailed monitoring was conducted (e.g.,southern France,Catalonia,north-eastern Italy and California),it was observed that repetitive spreads at the same locus were taking place (Raymond et al.,1987; Severini et al.,1997; Guillemaud et al.,1998; Lenormand et al.,1998a; Eritja & Chevillon,1999).Thus it seems that the spread of advantageous mutations is rather common for this example of environmental change in a large population,which is to be considered within the current controversy concerning the phase three of Wright’s shifting balance theory (Coyne,Barton & Turelli,1997).Estimates of fitness advantage and fitness cost of the Culex pipiens resistance genes are similar to estimates for other genes providing resistance to xenobiotics (McKenzie,1996),or for selected genes in classical models of natural selection,such as industrial melanism (Haldane,1924; Lees,1981).
When the precise physiological action of each gene product is well known,it is possible to explain the dominance level or the type of epistasis observed.It is however difficult to predict a priori how resistance genes will interact,and it is too early to state whether or not this will be ever possible.A minimum knowledge about gene function is required to predict some gene interactions (e.g.,epistasis) and a fair understanding of what occurs in the ‘metabolic world’ around the gene product is required for other types of interaction (e.g.,dominance).
These resistance genes are costly,and the cost is variable among them.It is usually believed that the initial fitness cost would gradually decrease due to subsequent mutations with a modifier effect.In the present example,the cost at one locus (Ace.1) has evolved with a particular modifier (a gene duplication a the same locus),whereas at the other one (Ester) a reduction of cost took 10 years to became widespread,driven by allele replacement and apparently not by selection of modifiers.
蔓延的耐药基因发生了独立于所有经处理的领域,并在那里进行了详细的监测(如法国南部,加泰罗尼亚,意大利东北部和加利福尼亚州)地区,有人指出,在同样的轨迹重复利差以地(雷蒙德等.,1987;塞韦里尼等.,1997; Guillemaud等.,1998;勒诺尔芒等.,1998年a; Eritja与舍维永,1999).因此,它似乎是有利的突变传播是相当普遍对这种环境的改变,人口众多,这是要在当前有关赖特的平衡发生改变的理论(柯尼,巴顿和Turelli,1997年三期争议审议的例子) .健身健身的优势和淡色库蚊抗性基因类似的费用估计为其他提供抗异源物质的基因(麦肯齐,1996)的估计,或在自然选择,如工业黑化,古典模型选定基因(霍尔丹,1924年;酒糟,1981).