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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 17:45:34
LH:Apples and oranges?你不是说要种仙人掌吗?怎么又提到苹果和桔子呢?
LH:我明白了,to compare apples to oranges意思就是把两件完全不同的东西拿来相提并论.你是在说,仙人掌花园和日本枯山水花园压根儿就是两回事.
LH: Larry, 终于等到春天了,你说,咱们该种点什么花呢?是玫瑰还是杜鹃?
finally came the spring, what type of flower should we grow? rose or azalea?
LH: 什么?就为省事,你居然要种仙人掌?这也太雷人了吧,那还不如一懒到底,堆几块石头,弄个日本枯山水花园算了.
what? you are going to plant cactus for convenience? it's to stupid. why wouldn't you just keep lazy and make a japanese landscape garden by moving few stones?
LH: 就是说,虽然俩人都是演员,可一个是演喜剧电影的,另一个是演莎氏比亚大戏的,两人没有可比性.
it means, though both of us are actors, one is comedy actor and another is Shakespeare's drama actor. we have nothing in common.
LH: Apples and oranges? 你不是说要种仙人掌吗?怎么又提到苹果和桔子呢?
Apples and oranges? Didn't you say you're going to grow cactus? why are you mention apples and oranges?
LH: 哦,我明白了,to compare apples to oranges意思就是把两件完全不同的东西拿来相提并论.你是在说,仙人掌花园和日本枯山水花园压根儿就是两回事.
oh, i see, to compare apples to oranges just means to put two different things in one table. you are saying, cactus garden and Japanese landscape garden are totally different.
LH: 可是Larry, 你别忘了,我今天早上把电话借给你用,所以你欠我一个人情,一定要听我的,种玫瑰,不种仙人掌.
but larry, don't forget, i lent my phone to you this morning, so you own me a favor. you must listen to me, not cactus but roses.
LH: Larry, 你不是最喜欢草头娃娃吗?种花也是一样啊,浇水、上肥,乐在其中,你就当是在养宠物好了!
don't you like the grass head dolls best? flower growing is almost the same, watering, manuring,you will enjoy it as if you were feeding a pet!
LH: 我承认,动物和植物确实有很大差别,可起码有一点是共同的.
i admit, there's a big distinction between animals and plants. but there's one thing in common:
they won't argue with me!