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focus on 的具体用法是什么?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 20:44:00
focus on 的具体用法是什么?
focus on
1.aim(light) directly onto把(光)在…上聚成焦点
*If you focus bright sunlight on dry wood with a magnifying glass,it will start burning .用放大镜把强阳光聚焦到干柴上,干柴就会燃烧起来.
2.direct one's thoughts firmly on 思想集中到…上
*We must focus our attention the question of reducing costs.我们必须把注意力集中到降低成本这个问题上.
*The audience focused its attention on the speaker.听众把注意力都集中在演讲者身上.
*She focused her mind on her lessons.她把她的心思都集中在学习上.
3.have as its main point of interest重点是;中心是
*This year our meeting focuses on the question of children's rights.今年,我们的会议中心议题是儿童的权益.