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单词拼写1.he made a r___ visit to his parents every two weeks.2.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:05:33
单词拼写1.he made a r___ visit to his parents every two weeks.2.the opening ceremony of the olympic games will be held in the bird's nest s___.3.the suspect a___ his crime to the police.4.phelps is the only one who got 8 m___ in one olympics.5.the m___ of olympics is s___ ,higher,stronger.6.no p___,no gains.7.it was ___(愚蠢的) to take the test without any preparation.8.the ___(有魔力的) world of harry potter is popular with young children.9.he is completely lacking in ___(责任心).10.the ___(根据) of her opinion is something she read in the magazine.词组翻译1参加,参与2代表,象征,表示3也,又,还4主管,看管5陆续地,一个接一个地6每四年7与某人就某事讨价还价8答应做某事9达到被认可的标准10被接纳为运动员11被录取12进行一次魔幻之旅13用A代替B14事实上15主办奥运会16为了……而与某人竞争17陷入困境18故意19对……负责20与某人结婚翻译句子1和儿子讨价还价后,他答应带他去看奥运会.2运动员一个接一个离开奥运村3令那个校长十分兴奋的是他的很多学生被重点大学录取了4他活该输掉比赛因为他作弊.5我们以为那家公司是JIM主管的,事实上是他儿子在主管
1 regular
2 stadium
3 admits
4 medals
5 swifter
6 pains
7 stupid
8 magical
9 responsibility
10 foundation