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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 15:01:01
1.She made several attempts to find other employment,but nobody would hire her. For the first time in her life Lottie would gladly have worked for nothing, to have some place to go , something to do with her day.
2.And even today, 25 years later, in hectic,crazy times,in lonely,painful times,my mind drifts back to those two hours that I was alone on the rock watching the sunset over this Canyon. And it will be with me till the day I die. I want more of those sights to be with all Americans for all time to come.
3.This is more than flesh and blood can stand!Twenty years ago I came to this town.I was poor and alone. I used to wander up and down in the streets at nighe,looking into lighted windows,just to see people together,happy!Then I met Bessie,fell in lovewhit her the first time I saw her-she was out in her garden,had a white dress on,and her arms full of flowers,zinnias and marlgolds they were-remember,Bessie?
4.Opening the barn door,she drove out the horse,the cow and its calf,and two pigs.The pigs went into a haystack.The other animals stood close to the house.Kate had done all she could for them.She ran back inside the house.The clock that Kate's father had brought from Ireland ticked away the hours.The storm went on and on.Honey Creek got higher and higher.
1.她作了一些尝试找其他的雇用,但是没有人会雇请她.第一次在她的生活 Lottie 中会高兴地已经免费工作,有一些地方进行 ,某事和她做日子.
2.而且甚至今天,25 年之后,在狂热又发狂的时代内,在孤单又痛苦的时代内,我的思想漂流回到那些二小时我在看日落超过这一个峡谷的岩石上很孤独.而且它将会直到我死的那天和我在一起.我想要更多那些视力和所有的美国人在一起为整时间来.
3.这不只是血肉之躯能站着!二十年前,我总计了这一个城镇.我是贫穷和孤独的.我过去一直在 nighe 的街道中上下地游荡,调查点燃船搬运的窗户,只是一起见人,快乐的!然后我遇到了贝西,在 lovewhit 中落下她的第一次我看见她-她在她的花园中外出,有了一件白色的洋装在,之上和她的充满花的双臂、百日草属植物和 marlgolds 他们是-记得,贝西?