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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 10:20:47
# 什么是1:1品质?
# 目前服装市场上存在着不同价格和不同质量档次的产品,质量从高到底的顺序为:1 :1 > Super A+ > A+ > B+ ,价格也是如此.所以 1:1的产品也是目前市场上质量最好的产品.
2.付款方式:我们接受买家使用PayPal支付货款(推荐使用这种便捷的方式并有利于保护买家的权益),除此之外我们还接受"Western Union" 和"Money Gram"等传统的汇款方式(这种付款方式付款人需要向我们索取收款人信息).
**Store Policies**
1. 关于产品: 我们的产品均为顶级的1:1品质,质量上乘,绝不是其他的三流廉价次品可比的.欢迎各位买家及批发商前来订购,我们很乐意与你们建立长期的合作关系,作为合作伙伴你们将可以得到更加优惠的价格.
1. About the Products: All of our products are of top -level "1:1 quality" - the highest quality no immitation products can mactch it. We welcome orders from users and wholesale merchants as well. We'll be happy to establish a long term partnership with you, as our partner you will be able to get the most favorable price.
# 什么是1:1品质?
# 目前服装市场上存在着不同价格和不同质量档次的产品,质量从高到底的顺序为: 1 : 1 > Super A+ > A+ > B+ ,价格也是如此.所以 1:1的产品也是目前市场上质量最好的产品.
#What is 1:1 quality?
#In today's apparel market, it is flooded with products with various price and quality. The common understanding of quality ranking, from top to bottom respectively, goes like 1 : 1 > Super A+ > A+ > B+, and so are the prices. Therefore, products that carry 1 : 1 quality simply means that they are the best products currently available in the market.
2. 付款方式: 我们接受买家使用PayPal支付货款(推荐使用这种便捷的方式并有利于保护买家的权益),除此之外我们还接受"Western Union" 和"Money Gram"等传统的汇款方式(这种付款方式付款人需要向我们索取收款人信息).
2. Payment Options: We accept Paypal as a payment method ( and we do recommend this option, it is not only a convenient way of making online payments but also one that protects the buyers' right ). In addition to this we also accept traditional payment through "Western Union" and "Money Gram" ( customers choosing these options would have to ask us for the PAYEE information, however.)
3. 物流运输方式: 买家下订单之后我们会检查该产品的库存并准备货物,当我们确认收到买家的货款之后就开始对货物进行包装以适应物流运输.48小时之内我们将通过国际快递服务将货物发至买家指定的收货地址,我们合作的快递服务商有UPS, FedEx, EMS, DHL.我们会向买家提供发货的快递运单号码,买家根据该号码随时可以访问USPS网站查询货物的物流信息,正常情况下买家付款之后的5~7个工作日就会收到对应的货物.
3 Shipping & Handling: Upon receiving an order placed by the customer, we will immediately check our stock and prepare the merchandise for shipping. After getting confirmation of customer's payment we will begin packing the merchandise to meet the logistic requirements. The shipment will go out within 48 hours via international express couriers and be delivered to the buyer's designated shipping address. We work closely with service providers such as UPS, FedEx, EMS, and DHL. We will provide buyers with the shipment tracking number, with which the buyers may go online to the USPS site and monitor the shipping progress. Under normal circumstances, buyers can expect their shipments to arrive within 5-7 business days from the day of the payment.
英语翻译**店铺政策**1.关于产品:我们的产品均为顶级的1:1品质,质量上乘,绝不是其他的三流廉价次品可比的.欢迎各位 关于我们本站为淘宝首饰导购网站,我们将会以“上乘的质量,新颖的款式,低廉的价格”为宗旨,向大家推荐好的产品,好的店铺,让 英语翻译注意:这款产品有品质不好的仿制品,我们的是真正正版产品. 某产品出现次品的概率为0.05,任意抽取这种产品600件,那么大约有( ) 件是次品 已知40件产品中有3件次品,现从中随机取出两件产品,问:取出的产品中有1件是次品,另1件也是次品的概率? 英语翻译您好,欢迎致电福建南利针织有限公司,我们将本着“以人为本,合作共赢”的经营理念,以卓越的品质,创新的产品,诚信的 设某种产品50件为一批,已知每批产品中没有次品的概率为0.35,有1,2,3,4件次品的概率分别是0.25,0.2,0. 20件产品中有3件是次品,任取4件恰好有1件为次品的概率等于? 英语翻译这是我们店铺最新推出的几款产品,如果你感兴趣,请尽快回复,我们将以最低的价格给你. 甲乙两个车间生产同种产品 其产量甲是乙的两倍 次品率甲乙分别为0.06 0.04 任取一件求该产品是次品的概率 一批产品的合格率为95%,400件产品中有()件次品. 某工厂生产10个产品,其中有2个次品,从中任取3个产品进行检测,则3个产品中至多有1个次品的概率为______.