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解释句子(英翻英)1.What's he?2.what do you do that for?3.where is th

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 05:49:35
1.What's he?
2.what do you do that for?
3.where is the hospital?
4.what do you do with it?
5.what is the weather like?
6.what do you think of the book?
7.what is he like?
8.what is themeaning of it?
9.what's your favourite subject?
10.what is the population of China?
11.My father bought a house for 10000 yuan.
12.I enjoy playing basketball as well as football.
13.The height of the tree is 9 metres.
14.Can you tell me your home address?
15.It is essential far you to do more exercises.
16.Jim didn't go home,Jack didn't go home,either.
17.He left the army two years ago.
18.Take the first turning on the right.
19.He was late for school because of the right.
20.They won't go fishing,instead they will go swimming.
21.I can't decide what i should do next.
22.He didn't have breakfast and went to school in a hurry.
23.Nobody else sings as well as she in our school.
24.I borrowed the storybook from my classmate.
25.He walks to school every morning.
26.The man sailed to London last month.
27.The story consists of ten funny stories.
28.It contains water inside it.
29.I should apologize for what I said to you.
30.The woman has the duty for the company.
31.It represents all the teachers.
19.He was late for school because of the rain.
1.What's he?他是干什么的?
2.what do you do that for?你为什么那样做?
3.where is the hospital?医院在哪?
4.what do you do with it?你和它有什么关系?
5.what is the weather like?天气如何?
6.what do you think of the book?这书你觉得怎样?
7.what is he like?他的性格怎样?
8.what is themeaning of it?
9.what's your favourite subject?你最喜欢的课程是什么?
10.what is the population of China?中国人口多少?
11.My father bought a house for 10000 yuan.我父亲花1万元买了一栋房子.
12.I enjoy playing basketball as well as football.我喜欢打篮球,也喜欢踢足球.
13.The height of the tree is 9 metres.这棵树有9米高.
14.Can you tell me your home address?你能告诉我你家地址吗?
15.It is essential fOr you to do more exercises.多做习题对你很有必要.
16.Jim didn't go home,Jack didn't go home,either.吉姆没回家,杰克也没回家.
17.He left the army two years ago.他两年前退伍.
18.Take the first turning on the right.在第一个转弯处向右转.
19.He was late for school because of the right.他因为权利的问题上学迟到了.我怀疑你这里有单词错了
20.They won't go fishing,instead they will go swimming.他们准备游泳而不是钓鱼.
21.I can't decide what i should do next.我不能决定下一步该做什么.
22.He didn't have breakfast and went to school in a hurry.他没吃早饭,匆忙上学去了.
23.Nobody else sings as well as she in our school.在学校没人像她唱得这样动听.
24.I borrowed the storybook from my classmate.我从同学那里借了这本故事书.
25.He walks to school every morning.他每天早上走路上学.
26.The man sailed to London last month.这人上个月坐船到了伦敦.
27.The story consists of ten funny stories.这个故事由十个有趣的故事组成.
28.It contains water inside it.它里面含水.
29.I should apologize for what I said to you.我要为我对你说的话道歉.
30.The woman has the duty for the company.这个女人负责公司工作.
31.It represents all the teachers.它代表所有的老师.