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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 23:30:50
(1)Another person’s enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved.That person was my stepmother.
(2)I was nine years old when she entered our home in rural Virginia.My father introduced Me to her with these words,“I would like you to meet the fellow who is distinguished for being the worst boy in this country and will probably start throwing rocks at you no later than tomorrow morning.”
(3)My stepmother walked over to me,raised my head slightly upward,and looked me right in the eye.Then she looked at my father and replied,“You are wrong.This is not the worst boy at all,but the smartest one who hasn’t yet found an outlet(释放的途经)for his enthusiasm.”
(4)That statement began a(n)(47)between us.No one had ever called me smart.My family and neighbors had built me up in my(48)as a bad boy.My stepmother changed all that.
(5)She changed many things.She(49)my father to go to a dental school,from which he graduated with honors.She moved our family into the country,where my father’s career could be more(50)and my brother and I could be better(51).
47、A:agreement B:friendship C:gap D:relationship
48、A:opinion B:image C:expectation D:mind
49、A:begged B:persuaded C:ordered D:invited
50、A:successful B:meaningful C:helpful D:useful
51、A:treated B:entertained C:educated D:respected
47 选B.作者没有想到继母会如此欣赏自己,自然一开始就与她建立了“友谊”.两个人本来就是母子关系,所以D项不恰当.
48 选D.作者的家人和邻居已经让作者在脑海中形成了根深蒂固的观念,认为自己是一个坏男孩.
49 选B.根据本句后半部分的内容可知她“说服”了作者的父亲去上牙医学校.
50 选A.她搬家的目的是想让作者父亲的事业更加“成功”.最后两项的意思基本相同,可排除.
52 选C.根据下一段开头部分提到的作者的年龄可推测她搬家也是为了让孩子更好地“受教育”.