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英语翻译On Saturday,September 1st,at about 22:30,I let my dog ou

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 12:01:01
On Saturday,September 1st,at about 22:30,I let my dog out into the garden and noticed four balls of ren light moving slowly across the sky.I thought that they were airplanes.Later I noticed that there was no noise.These four lights moved silently across the sky towards the east.They were flying in a line in the sky.During the next 10to 15 minutes lights in groups of threes and fours traveled to the east.After flying over the buildings,they disappeared.In all,there were 21 balls of red light.(A)____They were a lot lower than any airplane I saw in the sky.____ the event took about 10 to 15 minutes to happen.(B)_____那是一个有着很多星星的晴朗的夜晚_____.(C)__________________________(fortunately),I didn't have a camera so I couldn't take any photos.It was a fantastic sight!
1.The event happened at about___________________________.
2.The writer noticed four balls of red light when he was in_________________________________________________.
3.The writer knew what they were not airplanes because_____________________________________________.
4.In which direction did the lights travel?
5.How many lights did the writer see?
6.How long did the event last?
7.Did the writer take any photos of the lights?
It was a clear night and___________________________________.
在九月一号星期六那天,在22:30左右.当我将我的狗赶入后花园的时候,我注意到天空中有四条光线缓慢的穿过.起初我认为它们是飞机,但后来我注意到它们并没有发出任何的噪音.那四个光线安静的穿过天空向着东方飞去.它们在天空中排成一排飞行.在接下来的10到15分钟内它们三四个一组向着东方飞去.当飞过那些建筑物时它们就完全消失了.总共有21 个光线.它们比我在天空中见过的任何飞机都要低级许多.这个事件一直持续了10到15分钟,那是一个有着很多星星的晴朗的夜晚.不幸得是我并没有照相机没有拍任何照片.这是一个美妙的情景.
1.at about 22:30,On Saturday,September 1st
2.the garden
3.He noticed that there was no noise and they were flying in a line in the sky.
4.They trave towards the east.
5.There are four.
6.10 to 15 minutes.
7.No,he didn't have a camera.
9.a lot of bright stars in the sky.