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求写几句英文老师让我们做一张一半A4大小的小报 主题是夏天 要图配文 帮我写几句英文句子 介绍介绍春天 顺便帮我布置一下

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:语文作业 时间:2024/09/30 11:33:40
老师让我们做一张一半A4大小的小报 主题是夏天 要图配文 帮我写几句英文句子 介绍介绍春天 顺便帮我布置一下排版
主题是春天 上面字打错了
主题是夏天 介绍介绍春天 ?
再问: 写错了 主题是春天
再答: Spring has come, in every corner of the earth were full of spring. Campus, full of the glad Lu like. Willow willow out of the thin, top decorated clean the yellowish leaves; grass aroma with a drilling mud out in bunches, A host, nice green flowers are also stretched, played a yawn, unearthed a small head; children all took off their heavy winter clothes, put on another bright light both spring; the birds flew out from the house, singing sweet songs, tell us: Spring is coming ! 春天来了,在地球的每个角落都充满了春天。校园,充满了欢乐的鲁象。杨柳出薄,上面装饰干净的黄树叶和草的香气;钻井泥浆在束,主机,漂亮的绿色的花也伸了个懒腰,打个哈欠,探出了小脑袋;孩子们都脱掉笨重的冬衣,穿上另一个明亮的春天;鸟儿飞出从家里,唱着动听的歌曲,告诉我们:春天来了! Lovely girl-chun, stepping lightsome pace came into the world, that a scene of vitality will come from all sides, the whole world like just from a long sleep, wake up. 可爱的春姑娘,迈着轻盈的步子来到人间,那一片生机的景象便随之来到四面八方,整个世界像刚从一个漫长的睡梦中苏醒过来。 春天来了,大地上的每一个角落者充满了春天的气息。 Spring is coming, every corner of the earth who filled with spring in the air. 小鸟们从家里飞了出来,唱着动听的歌,告诉我们:春天来了! The birds fly out from home, and sang hit song, tell us: spring is coming! 春天真的来了,在池塘里,在田野上,在天空中,到处都焕发着勃勃生机。 Spring is really in the pond, in the field, in the sky, everywhere the glow vitality. 春天的景色太美了,春天里人们的心情更美。 Spring scenery was so beautiful, the mood in the spring people more beautiful. 我热爱春天,我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香,看到大树的新绿,听到小乌的欢唱。 I love spring, I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the tree's green, hear little uzziah sings. 我热爱春天,因为春天充满了生机,充满了新的希望! I love spring because full of vitality, full of new hope! 排版的话不太难,根据情况,以绿色调为主,用一些欣欣向荣的图片,代表春天的图片,版面要活泼一点不要太死版。