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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 19:16:13
1-5 DBADB 6-10 DCABD
11-15 CCBAD 16-20 CBBAD
21-25 CDDBA 26-30 BAACC
31-35 CCBDD 36-40 CBADC
41-45 CDDCA 46-50 BDBCC
51-55 AEGDC
56. Hardships and their differences.
57. In 1936.
58. Louis won. / Schmeling was defeated.
59. Because Louis was thought to represent
Americanism while Schmeling Nazism.
60. He gave Louis financial aid. / He helped Louis out with money.
61. ... naming Wenibojo ... naming → named
62. ... he got hunger ... hunger → hungry
63. ... were tasted good ... 去掉were
64. ... better to eating. eating → eat
65. ... the sounds from ... from → to
66. ... when the ducks ... when → where
67. He turned to ... turned → returned
68. ... still harvests rice ... harvests → harvest
69. ... as many as ... many → much
70. ... that the ducks ... that前加so
One possible version:
Friday February 14, 2014 Sunny
Today is a special day — the Lantern Festival.
Today our community held a lantern show. My family contributed three lanterns we made to it, on which there were interesting lantern puzzles. In the evening after eating the delicious yuanxiao, my family went out to see the show happily. What an exciting atmosphere! People, especially children, walked in groups and watched the lanterns and discussed the puzzles. I enjoyed the beautiful lanterns one by one and thought about the puzzles carefully. Some puzzles were so easy that I could solve them at once while some were hard to guess. There was a rule in the show that people who could solve 5 puzzles would be given a toy as a prize. Because I answered 12 puzzles, I got one lovely bear toy and one naughty monkey!
It is really a great day and I feel so happy!
A 篇(健康)
31. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的Carey appears in a pink tutu ... in a new book of photographs, Ballerina可知.
32. C.细节理解题.由第三段中的It made them happy 可知,Carey 拍的照片让癌症患者开心,所以他决定出版.
33. B.推理判断题.由第四段可知,Carey的父母均死于癌症,而现在他的妻子也身患癌症,这让他很害怕,所以通过摄影转移注意力、摆脱恐惧.
34.D.词义猜测题.由第五段中的because she knows the pain the couple have suffered 及Even in Times Square, people aren't paying attention to me 可推断,Carey 拍的照片“ 让人伤心(sorrowful)”和孤独.
B 篇(社会)
35. D.推理判断题.由第一段中作者的回答But your daughter's two years old和第二段的I was shaking my head over that conversation 可知,作者觉得朋友的这种做法挺可笑.
36. C.细节理解题.根据第三段的What to ask?和婴儿的反应——流着口水睡着了及but we gave him a passing grade可知,收养这个五个月大的婴儿时,作者夫妇没有盘问孩子,没考虑太多.
37. B.细节理解题.根据第四段的As a baby grows into a child, judging becomes even tougher 可知,作者举例就是为了说明这个问题.
38. A.推理判断题.根据最后一段的The cleaner's response didn't surprise me at all 及I would happily write them a two-page thank-you letter 可知,作者对于那些打扫车厢的孩子给予了很高的评价.
C 篇(自然)
39. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的A woman in a nearby neighborhood finally spotted Rusty可知.40. C.推理判断题.由第五段中的Rain the day before might have lowered the limbs of the trees in the exhibit. That may have shortened the distance between the trees and the edge of the enclosure 可推断,小熊猫很可能是顺着伸到围场里的树枝跳到外面的树上逃走了.
41. C.细节理解题.由上文的make Rusty's enclosure escape-proof 及We will not let this happen again 可推断,划线部分的意思是动物园的工作人员将重新认真检查小熊猫被展出的地方,以避免它再次逃跑.with a fine-tooth comb 非常认真地.
42.D.推理判断题.由文章最后一段中的They make their homes in rainy forests ...Red pandas are endangered mainly because forests in those nations are being cut down 可推断,小熊猫濒临灭绝的主要原因是它们所在的森林被破坏了,因此,要保护小熊猫就应保护它们的自然栖地.
43. D.细节理解题.由第一段开头Boot camp-style fitness classes are taking New York City by storm 可知,这种健身课程在纽约市非常流行.
44. C.推理判断题.由Stacy's Boot Camp部分的Uncertainty is a big part of the recipe. “You don't know what she's going to throw at you that day,”可推断,该课程有非常灵活的安排.
45. A.推理判断题.由Warrior Fitness Boot Camp 部分的Classes include a series of 90-second drills that require teamwork to complete可推断,该课程更需要团队精神.
46. B.细节理解题.由文中Stacy’s Boot Camp 部分的... into a series of outdoor boot camps in Central Park and Battery Park 可知B项正确.
E 篇(历史与地理)
47. D.细节理解题.根据第二段中的Clara, who gathers ... codes for escape 可知,克拉拉把搜集来的信息缝在被子上,帮助黑奴们逃走.
48. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中的“A quilt won't forget,” Grandma tells Tanya.“It can tell your life story.”可知,Tanya 的姥姥告诉Tanya,被子能够记录历史.
49. C.细节理解题.由最后一段中的You don't need these patches. I can get you a quilt 可知,Tanya 的母亲认为没有必要缝制被子了.
50. C.标题归纳题.缝制被子是19 和20 世纪非洲裔美国女性文学的重要主题.本文分析了这种现象的原因:被子是非洲裔美国女性表达思想的一种重要方式.文
章第一段中的these women relied on a different form of expression: the patchwork quilt 和第三段中的Quilts continued to be an important form of expression for African American women
after the Civil War 是提示.C项标题概括了文章的主旨.
I. 1-5 CBDAA 6-10 BBADC
11-15 CBDDB 16-20 ABACD
II. 1-5 DCADA 6-10 DCBAD
1. C.由下文的He jumped up and made a low howling sound 及a change in Becca's heart rate 可推测,Mike 感觉到Becca 存在可能的“危险(danger)”.
2. B.由下文的With his incredible hearing, Mike ... a change in Becca's heart rate 可推测,Mike 轻轻地用鼻子触碰Becca 的“胸部(chest)”以示意她的心率不正常.
3. D.由下文的her daughter's heartbeat 可知,Tonya是Becca的“妈妈(mother)”.
4. A.Mike用敏锐的听觉“察觉(detected)”到Becca的心率发生了变化.
5. A.由下文的who responded that Becca was OK but should continue to be monitored可推断,Tonya 把女儿的心跳读数发给她的“内科医生(physicians)”.
6. B.由下文的her first heart surgery 及lupus 可推断,Becca 有严重的“健康(health)”问题.
7. B.由下文的it can affect anything in your body 可知,狼疮是一种会“攻击(attacks)”人的免疫系统的疾病.
8. A.由上文的strong and irrational fear 可推测,Becca 不能“忍受(tolerate)”碰到纸的感觉.
9. D.Becca 虽然明白没有必要对碰到的纸张感到恐惧,“但是(but)”她就是情不自禁会害怕.
10. C.由下文的now serves Becca in many ways 可知,医生建议Becca 找一只“服务(service)”犬.
11. C.由下文的too old to compete 可推断,Mike以前是一只“竞赛(racing)”犬.
12. B.由上文的With guidance 及下文的Mike learned quickly 可知,一个专业的“训练员(trainer)”指导Mike 如何做一只服务犬.
13. D.Becca 感觉身体“好(well)”的时候喜欢和朋友逛商场.
14. D.由上文的enjoys going to the mall with friends 及下文与陌生人的对比可推断,Becca的朋友们很支持她.
15. B.16. A.由下文的Why do you have that dog in this restaurant? He can't be in here 可知,尽管Mike 穿的背心“清楚地(clearly)”标明它是一只服务犬,Becca 还是有过一些“痛苦的(painful)”经历.
17. B.由下文的she started Harts2Paws 可知,为了避免人们的误会,Becca 决定成立一个组织把关于服务犬的情况“讲出来(speak up)”.
18. A.由下文的Becca wants everyone to understand that service dogs 可知,Becca成立的组织致力于帮助人们了解服务犬.
19. C.Becca 想让每个人明白服务犬可以在很多方面“帮助(help)”人们.
20. D.由上文的Why do you have that dog in this restaurant? He can't be inhere 可知,人们看到看似健康的Becca带着服务犬进入饭店的时候会很不理解.因此,Becca 想让人们认识到一个人看起来没“病(sick)”并不意味着他不需要服务犬的帮助.
1. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的the number of people who suffer from hunger is also expected to grow. To feed everyone可知,联合国认为人类需要吃昆虫来缓解饥饿问题.
2. C.段落大意题.第三段主要介绍了以虫为食的几点好处:能获得营养,有利于环境保护,节约成本,生产速度快.
3. A.细节理解题.由第五段最后一句In the Asian country of Thailand, for example, about 20,000 people work on cricket farms可知,很多泰国人靠养蟋蟀为生.
4. D.推理判断题.由第六段中的We think insects are disgusting. That has to change before people are going to willingly eat insects 可推断,美国人认为昆虫让人恶心,这种想法使他们觉得昆虫不适合食用.
5. A.写作目的题.本文介绍了吃昆虫的诸多好处,意在建议读者尝试吃昆虫.
6. D.细节理解题.由第一段末的the idea of “extreme” climate simply makes for more exciting news 可知,媒体利用“极端天气”这一概念引起大众对相关报道的关注.
7. C.推理判断题.由第三段中的there is no way that Krug man could have identified this drought as being caused by global warming without a time machine since climate models estimate that such detection will be possible by 2048, at the earliest 可知,最早也得到2048 年才可能检测出干旱是否是由全球变暖引起的.也就是说,目前没有办法证明这一看法是否正确.
8. B.推理判断题.由第五段中的concerns about global warming are the main reason that corn prices have skyrocketed及40 percent of corn grown in the United States is used to produce ethanol, which raises the price of corn 可推断,由于担心全球变暖问题,美国百分之四十的玉米被用来生产绿色燃料——乙醇,这导致玉米价格暴涨.
9. A.细节理解题.由第七段中的fire incidence has declined over the past 70years可知.
10. D.推理判断题.由最后一段中的And exaggerated claims merely fuel public distrust and unconcern. That is unfortunate, because global warming is a real problem, and we do need to address it 可推断,媒体对全球变暖问题的夸张报道不仅使媒体丧失了公众的信任,而且使公众对这一问题不再关心.可见媒体的夸张报道对解决全球变暖问题起了负作用.
再问: 有49期的答案吗?急!
再答: 没有.