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有关英文.写一篇名为what should our school do to help the poor student

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 22:29:33
what should our school do to help the poor student
As noticed nowadays, quite a few students in schools are now suffering from a serious problem called poverty which does not mean that you haven't got enough money to buy a LV or a GUCCI but means that you cannot garantee your tuition fees or 3 meals a day. Something with money is always difficult to get through since everybody knows that the world now is facing a giant recession internationaly and we students are not good at making money. The only come-out of this tough situation may be a subsidy from the school or the government. Since the government is always busy with something else, today I would like to specialy talk something about things the school should be in charge of in the field of poverty.
First of all, I would like to mention that schools are not charities with big funds. There are something school can help but not to make you rich overnight. To my point the first thing schools should try to do is to cut the tuition fees or to make it a mortgage which means to pay it over a period of time. That is to say to make the entrence wider for the poor. Schools can design some kind of a contract to make this kind of help conditionaly and helpful, say to set a certain level of score to subsidise the money or do it progressively.In that way, no pain no gain. Students deserve a chance to make money on their own.
the second thing might be to offer them special treatments in respect of food, off-school consultations or even free advises since usually these kind of students need special care on their living conditions as well as mental health in case they might do something really stupid because of their miserable current lifestyle.
The two things above are directly helpful in the short run for all the students in poverty. Hope they will be useful and noticed. Thanks.