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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 22:55:08
新民乐是现代文化产业时代对改革后中国民族音乐的重新定义.民乐是中国的传统文化,随着时代的变迁,民乐的创新从未停止过.然而真正意义上的新民乐应该产生于上个世纪八十年代,卞留念、蔡大伟、楚小帅 三位著名音乐制作人组成的红黄蓝乐队是我国第一支新民乐队.
在其后的二十多年中,随着中国改革意识的增强,新民乐的逐渐被大众所喜爱.彭修文等老一辈民族音乐指挥率领的中国民族乐团一次又一次把中国新民乐带到了世 界各国舞台,直到带进了维也纳金色大厅.目前,新民乐的发展一次次的走向成功,经过商业化运作的“女子十二乐坊”把中国新民乐的发展推到了一个高峰,新民乐正在成为中国文化创意产业中一支新军,中国文化艺术中的一朵奇葩.
《四季歌》属于“花儿”, 五十年代曾被吕冰等改编为歌舞曲,名为《花儿与少年》.在当地,“花儿”代表姑娘,“少年”代表小伙子.《四季歌》以春、夏、秋、冬四季盛开什么花为起句,表现姑娘对“小哥哥”的爱情.
New Folk music is a redefination of the Chinese traditional folk music by an era of modern cultural industry after the Reform in China.Folk music is a traditional art form of China's.Affected by changing of time,its renewal and rebirth have never ceased.The true sense of New Folk,however,should start to emerge in the 80s of the last century.The band Red Yellow and Blue formed by three famous musicians,Liunian Bian,Dawei Cai,and Xiao Shuai is the first band of New Folk.
During the twenty years since then,New Folk,together with the spread of a spirit of reform in China,became increasingly enjoyed by the public.
The Folk Music Troupe led by the old generation of musicians,such as Maestro Xiuwen Peng,brought New Music to the stages of different countries all around the world again and again,all the way to the Golden Hall of Vienna.The New Folk music is currently achieving new levels of success over and over.The band,12 Girls Music House,after being commercialized and re-packaged,push the New Folk to a new peak.New Folk is becoming a new force in China's culture and creative industry and an exotic flower among the Chinese cultures and arts.
The New Folk is using Di,a Chinese wind instrument made from bamboo to play one afer another long-lived Chinese folk songs and to produce a supreme music disc that mixes classic with trend,virtuoso with high-quality sound quality,ancient and modern.It adds new depty to the meaning to classic titles.
Fower music,popular in provinces and autonomous regions of Qingdao,Gansu,Ning Xia,and Xinjiang and among ethnic groups of Han,Tibetan,Hui,Sala,Dongxiang,and Baoan.Many people believe the Flower music started to spread in the Ming Dynasty.Flower music is also called 'youth' music in the Qinghai province,because is normally played in the wilderness to avoid parents and elders.
'The Four Seasons' is a Flower song.It is adaped by Bing Lv in the 50s into a musical song,titled 'Flower and Youth'.Locally,'flower' refers to girls and youth refers to boys.'The Four Season' song starts each verse with a question asking which flower blooms in the season of spring,summer,autum,and winter,symbolizing the girl's love for the boy.