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英语翻译In the 19th on the eve of the EU summit,European Commiss

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/06 04:57:10
In the 19th on the eve of the EU summit,European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso in Brussels said that he supported giving more time for Ireland to decide how to deal with the "Lisbon Treaty" was created by its rejection of the impasse.
In the day with Irish Prime Minister Cowen held a joint press conference,Barroso said that he and Cowen agreed that,to be held in October this year,the next EU summit is to further discuss the "Lisbon Treaty" more appropriate Occasions.
And Cowen said,Let no one is too early to propose solutions,Ireland must have the time to analyze the results of the referendum,to find a way out.
It is learnt that,in order to the voting results of the Irish "respect" the EU leaders to listen to Cowen of Ireland rejected the "Lisbon Treaty" by the report,not in this summit to rescue the programme immediately.Is expected in October this year,the next EU summit,will be from France holds the rotating EU presidency,proposed rescue "the Lisbon treaty," the "road map."
据悉,为了对爱尔兰的投票结果表示“尊重”,欧盟领导人在听取考恩就爱尔兰否决《里斯本条约》所作的汇报之后,不会在本次首脑会议上立即提出拯救方案.预计在今年10月的下一次欧盟峰会上,将会由欧盟轮值主席国法国提出拯救《里斯本条约》的“路线图”.(这是原文上面的英文是本人翻译的,麻烦指导)标题:the EU supports giving Ireland time to deal with deadlock欧盟支持给予爱尔兰时间应对僵局
在当天与爱尔兰总理考恩举行了联合记者招待会上,巴罗佐说,他和科恩一致认为,被关押在今年10月,未来的欧盟首脑会议是为了进一步讨论“里斯本条约” ,更适当的场合.
据知,在以的投票结果,爱尔兰的“尊重”欧盟各国领导人,听取Cowen的爱尔兰的拒绝“里斯本条约”的报告,而不是在本次首脑会议,以拯救方案,立即.预计在今年10月,未来的欧盟首脑会议,将分别来自法国认为,欧盟轮值主席国,拟议的拯救“里斯本条约” ,“路线图” .