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是几个缺词填空:一.A Telephone Call from SUE's FatherThe telephone ra

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 10:45:13
一.A Telephone Call from SUE's Father
The telephone rang and Sue answered it."M_ I speak to Mrs.Potts,please?"a man asked.
"I'm s_ you've got the wrong number."Sue said
"I'm sorry."the man said
A few passed b_ the telephone rang again.Sue a_ it.It was the same man.He had made a mistake again.Three minutes l_ the telephone rang once more,but she d_ answer it this time.It rang ang rang.Her mother h_ the noise."Why d_ you answer the phone?"she called.
"Oh,aii right,"SUE said."I'm sure it's that man again."But she was w_.It was her father and he was very a_.Sue had kept him waiting.
二.Mrs.Jone went into a s_ one evening to buy a new b_.A strang man f_ her into the shop and stood about while she was at the counter.S_ she screamed,and the man turned ang r_ out of the shop,and right into the arms of a passing p_.Then he was caught by the policeman because he was a r_.
The shopper thanked her very much f_ her help."But h_ did you know he was a robber?"asked the shopkepper.
"I don't know ,"he answered Mrs.Jone."I screamed when you told me how e_ the bloues was."
三.Simon was on his w_ house.There was an old man at the bus stop.He looked very w_.Simon c_ in a shopping mall in this city.But I can't find the way.What shall I do?"
"Oh,I k_.Go along the road and take the fourth turning on the right ,"Simon said.
"How far is it from here?"
"It's two kilometers a_.You'd better take a bus."
"Which bus do I n_?"
"I think you need a n_ 47 bus.You should get o_ on renmin road.The shopping mall is along that road on the left."
"Thank you very much."
"You are w_."
四.One day Einstein was walking a_ the street in New York.His friend m_ him andsaid to him,"Einstein,you should buy a new coat.Look!H_ old your coat is!"
But Einstein answered."It d_ matter.Nobody k_ me here."A_ a few years Einstein b_ a famous scientist.But he still w_ the old coat.His friend met him again and asked him to b_ a new one .But Einstein said"I needn't buy a new one.E_ knew me here."
1.May sure by answered later didn`t hated don`t
wrong angry
2.shop bloues followed So ran policeman robber for how
3.way worried came know away need off welcome
4.along met How doesn`t knows After became wore buy