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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 08:52:14
Air pollution in China has been deteriorating growingly.In the morning of Feb 28, the density of the particulate matter(PM)2.5 pollutant reportedly reached a little more than 500 micrograms per cubic meter, about 14 times as high as Japan’s maximum allowable limit of 35 micrograms on a daily average basis. The rise in the PM 2.5 density pushed up the air quality index in Beijing to the worst level among its six levels, indicating a serious pollution incident. Even central Beijing was filled with smog enough to affect visibility. Some flights to and from Beijing Airport were cancelled and expressways were shut down at various locations.
Air pollution had eased temporarily during the Chinese New Year holiday week. But the pollution is believed to have deteriorated rapidly as economic and civic activities returned to normal, with plants near Beijing resuming operations and with normal vehicle traffic restored, under unfavorable weather conditions after the holiday week. This is because the PM 2.5 pollution is suspected as stemming from sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions accompanying coal and oil consumption. In the metropolis of Beijing, emissions from vehicles are the biggest pollution source.
In January, the Chinese government announced that the PM 2.5 pollution had spread over 1.43 million square kilometers(about four times as large as Japan’s land area). Tiny PM 2.5 particles can invade the lungs and other respiratory organs and are expected to increase the risk of respiratory diseases. The PM 2.5 density rise or growing air pollution has become a grave environmental problem posing threats to Chinese citizens’ daily life. Before noon on Feb 28, strong winds blew smog away from Beijing. Instead, a yellow dust storm hit the Chinese capital and was coupled with the PM 2.5 pollution to deal a double punch to the city.The problem is that the air pollution, which has grown more serious for China, could have caused cross-border pollution affecting Japan and other neighbors. PM 2.5 density increases have been reported in western Japan including Kyushu since January, leading Japanese people to grow more concerned over the problem.
空气污染在中国正在逐渐恶化.2月28日上午,可吸入颗粒物(PM)2.5污染浓度达到500多微克每立方米,比日本每日最大平均允许限值35微克高出约14倍. PM 2.5浓度的上升推高了北京的空气质量指数,达到其六个级别中的最差水平,表示严重污染事故.仅仅是北京市中心弥漫的烟雾,就足以影响能见度.,从北京首都国际机场取消了一些进出港航班,部分路段的高速公路也被关闭.
在中国农历新年假期的一周时间里,空气污染暂时得到了缓解.但节后一周污染情况又迅速恶化.其原因据信与经济和公民活动恢复正常,与北京周边的计划恢复进行以及车辆恢复正常行驶,还有不利的天气条件下有关.这是因为对PM 2.5污染被怀疑为源自煤炭和石油的消耗产生的硫和氮的氧化物的排放.在北京的大都市中,车辆尾气排放是最大的污染源.
在1月,中国政府宣布,PM 2.5污染已蔓延超过1430000平方公里(约4倍于日本的国土面积).微型PM 2.5颗粒可侵入肺等呼吸器官,估计将增加呼吸道疾病的风险. PM 2.5浓度上升或日益增长的空气污染已成为一个严重的环境问题,威胁中国公民的日常生活. 2月28日中午十二时前,强风吹散北京烟雾.但同时,一个裹挟着黄沙的沙尘暴袭击了中国的首都,加上PM 2.5污染,对城市产生了双重冲击.问题是空气污染在中国已经变得更加严重,还可能造成跨国污染从而影响日本和其他邻国.一月以来,日本西部九州PM 2.5密度的增加已经使日本人民越来越关注这个问题.