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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 00:53:50
当初,人们在图坦卡蒙墓中发现了几处图坦卡蒙的诅咒铭文,有一处写道:“谁扰乱了法老的安眠,死神将张开翅膀降临他的头上.”还有一处写着:“任何怀有不纯之心进这坟墓的,我要像扼一只鸟儿一样扼住他的脖子.”   这个最年轻的法老的墓门被开启的同时,神秘伴随而来.先是卡特宠爱的金丝雀被一只眼镜蛇吞掉了.随后,卡尔纳冯伯爵死于由蚊子叮咬而传染的不知名疾病.被叮咬的部位正是图坦卡蒙脸上那块伤疤的位置.  而去年9月,埃及文物最高委员会主席哈瓦斯在图坦卡蒙墓给木乃伊做CT检查时,也出现了一系列不可思议的事情.据埃及《消息报》报道,当时帝王谷狂风大作,刚从美国买来的先进仪器竟无端失灵了一个半小时.  报道说,哈瓦斯是不信“法老的诅咒”的,他还安慰工作人员说:“不要怕,不会是法老的诅咒.”这时,他的手机响了,是他妹妹打来的:“我丈夫突然去世了!”
At the beginning, people found in tutankhamun's tomb several tutankhamun's curse inscription, one writes: "who disturbed the pharaoh's sleep, death will open their wings fell his head." A written as: "any have not the heart of the pure into the tomb, I like the conjugate a bird upon his neck." This the young pharaoh's tomb door was open at the same time, the mysterious attendant. First the carter pet canary swallowed by a cobra. Then, Carl, earl died of unknown disease spread by mosquitoes. Bites of parts is tutankhamun that the location of the scar on his face. In September last year, chairman of Egypt's supreme council of antiquities hawass CT examination in tutankhamun's tomb to mummy, ?