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1、Convincing though the above-mentioned point is,someone may

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 03:50:29
1、Convincing though the above-mentioned point is,someone may still worry about whether learning the “irrelevant” courses would draw their attention away from their study of major knowledge thus lowering their working efficiency.
2、If those students haven’t been given those chances,they should have still worked with what they dislike and still didn’tknow what they live for.
3、if Da Vinci(达尔文) had just learned one subject such as drawing,he would not have been known as widely astoday.
第一句:worry about 没有问题.worry 的用法主要有:worry about sb/sth.“担心某人或某物” .这种情况下,worry为不及物用法,主语通常是人,然后about的宾语是人或物.worry sb.“令某人担心”.此时,worry 及物,宾语通常是人或动物.例子:
You worried your mother by not writing. (你不写信回来,让你妈妈担心了.)My mother always worries about me.  (我妈妈老是为我操心.)
thus 是副词,可以这样用,但前面需要逗号隔开.lowering 是现在分词,表示伴随.
第二句的虚拟语气不对,应该改为:If those students hadn't been give those chances, they should have...