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So moved was she that she could not say a word.是部分倒装?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 04:35:51
So moved was she that she could not say a word.是部分倒装?
例句是So moved was she that she could not say a word.
我的问题是我觉得So moved was she就是完全倒装。that后面的用陈述语序好像跟我的问题没啥关系吧?
So much does he worry about his financial position that he can't sleep at night.
倒装词语 + 助动词或情态动词 + 主语 + 谓语动词 + 其他部分)
Ø Never have I seen such a great change in my hometown.
Ø You did your homework on time and so did I.
Ø What do you think of the inversion?
倒装成分 + 谓语动词 + 主语
1)主谓句——改为:倒装成分 + 谓语动词 + 主语,
如:Here comes the bus.
Over flied a bird.
2)主系表——改为:表语 + 系动词 + 主语
如:So moved was she that ...她是如此感动以至于...
Such a man is he that ...她是如此的一个人以至于...
* 疑问句部分倒装,如:
What do you think about it?
How long have you been in huhhot?
* there / here 全部倒装,如:
There used to be a tower called Gulou at the center of Xincheng town.
There comes the bus.
Here is the dictionary you have wanted long.
* 文体要求全部倒装
“I’m glad to see you,” said the boy,“and glad to know you at last.”
In front of the building stands a monument(纪念碑).
Not a single word could he say because of excitement.
* 情态倒装
Over is a bird flying.(一只鸟正急速飞越过去.)
Up stood the students.(那位学生噌地一下站起来.)
In came a strange guy.(一个陌生人闯了进来)
1.否定词语前置,包括 never,hardly,no sooner,little,not a,neither,nor,not until等
Ø 直到 …(的时候)才… (not until …)
Not until I entered the classroom did the teacher ask me why I was late.我进了教室老师才问我为什么迟到了.
Ø 刚一… 就 … (hardly…when/before… / no sooner …than…)
Hardly had I reached home when it started to rain.我刚一进家天就下起雨来.
No sooner had the boy said sorry to her than he remember what she had treated him before.郍孩子刚一向她道歉就记起来过去她是如何对待自己的.
Ø … 也不(没)… (neither / nor)
He can not do it by himself,neither/nor can I.他独自做不来,我也做不来.
Ø 其它 (little / never)
Little did I know about it when I was young.小的时候我对其知之甚少.
Never has my grandma been to Beijing since she moved to Huhhot.奶奶自迁居呼和浩特以来从未去过北京.
Ø … 也如此 (so)
Besides at school,I am now studying English in my spare time and so is she.
She enjoys being inviting to parties and so does her brother.
Ø 给你… / 拿好… (here)
Here is the dictionary you are wanting.
Here it is./ Here you are.
Ø 只有在…的情况下 (only)
Only when you have got a stable job can you marry and start a family.只有找到稳定的工作你才能结婚成家.
Only with the help of his children did he manage to pull himself together.只因得到了孩子们的帮助他才振作起来.
Ø 小品副词前置,包括下列两大类;
* Up,down,in,out,over
* Upstairs,,indoor,there,home
Ø 为了强调表示地点的介词短语,常将这个介词短语放在句首,构成全部倒装.注意,这时句子的谓语动词通常是不及物动词或系动词,如:
In the front of the lecture hall sat the speaker.
Against the wall was some tools used for farming cultivation of crops