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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 14:09:02
Chinese abstract
With the deepening of the reform of our country compulsory education and talent competition situation fierce, contemporary middle school students facing huge pressure, their psychological qualities and to setback psychological endurance capability problems caused extensive concern of the whole society, the net-surfing setback education calls to also become increasingly strong and urgent. Meanwhile, middle school is life's important era, the person's body especially people's heart having huge changes, add social pressure to adapt to a challenge, therefore, middle school students face challenges prevent and respond to the frustration of problem increasingly.
Setback education namely frustration or setback education concept, it has directive, permeability and practical characteristics, its purpose is through education make students to understand the setbacks is a kind of life normal, and the correct attitude should be open to, positive overcome. Setback education function that: first, to improve the students' cognitive ability of setbacks, the correct understanding and treat encountered by the trials, Second, to improve the students' initiative to treat and handle frustration ability, as far as possible to avoid or reduce the negative impact of DaiLei setbacks, Third, make students learn to properly use mental defense mechanisms, development and improve their ability to deal with the frustration of psychological adjustment.
This paper expounds the setback education foundation theory, this paper discusses times.the Chinese teaching setback education of the possibility and necessity, proposes the times.the Chinese setback education ways and methods. Paper is divided into four parts:
The first part is introduction. Outlined this topic research background, research purpose and meaning, research status and dynamic and its research objects and methods, etc., this paper has formed the basic structure and concrete thought.
The second part is about the basic theory of education students setbacks. First is the core concepts involved in this paper expounded, then expounds the importance of setback education.
The third part is times.the Chinese setback education status analysis. This part analyzes times.the Chinese setback education of urgency, problems and the causes.
The fourth part is about setback education times.the Chinese of policies and Suggestions. From the education concept, education atmosphere, setbacks situation and psychological counseling puts forward times.the Chinese setback education essential countermeasures.
The net-surfing setback education is a long-term painstaking system engineering, both in theory
In practice as there are many work requires us to do, junior middle school language teaching in which can play a beneficial effect. It requests us in the work ahead, education concept, correct update education thought, from the world's Angle, and the future vision, according to the modern education standards, organize and arrange various education activity, multi-level and multi-channel to carry out the form, the setback education, our students train to become excellent quality and ability, mental and physical health of the useful personnel.
Keywords: middle school students; Setback education; countermeasures
把下面一段话译成英语中文摘要伴随着我国义务教育改革的深入和人才竞争形势的激烈,当代中学生面临着巨大压力,他们的心理素质和 英语翻译伴随着我国义务教育改革的深入和人才竞争形势的激烈,当代中学生面临着巨大压力,他们的心理素质和对挫折的心理承受力问 英语翻译摘要:在会计师事务所竞争日益激烈的形势下,国际会计师事务所的介入和国内知名事务所的拓展,使区域性会计师事务所面临 英语翻译伴随着市场的竞争越来越激烈,原材料及人力成本的不断增长,我国的中小企业应如何适应市场环境和实现稳定的发展.纵观我 把下面几句翻译成英语面对激烈的人才竞争,收入是重要的但不是唯一的,为了把优秀人才引进来,把优秀人才留住,除了通过各种方式 英语翻译我国企业兼并与重组问题研究摘要伴随着世界市场竞争的加剧,我国企业的生存面临着前所未有的挑战,急需通过兼并与重组来 阅读下面一段文字,根据要求作文。 有人认为,随着我国加入世贸组织,人们的生活节奏将加快,竞争将更趋激烈,每个人的精神压力 英语翻译随着我国中小企业的迅速发展,中小企业面临的竞争日益激烈.在这样的背景下,由于中国当前独特的经济体制和中小企业自身 辨析题,当今世界,各国之间激烈的经济竞争和科技竞争,归根到底是教育的竞争,人才的竞争,因此,在社会主 英语翻译中国是世界上人口最多的国家,众多的人口一方面使我国面临巨大的压力,同时也蕴含着巨大的优势.用英语怎么说 英语翻译随着经济的全球化和信息时代的到来,世界各国企业都面临着越来越激烈的国内和国际市场竞争.快速变化的市场环境、日益激 帮忙把下面句子翻译成英语:我认为,我们不应该给中学生施加太大压力,应该让他们劳逸结合,快乐的学习拜