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Tom went into the station soon after five o'clock in the aft

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 10:03:46
Tom went into the station soon after five o'clock in the afternoon.This is a
bad time to travel in London,both by bus and by train,because lots of people
go home from work at this hour.He had to join a long queue of people who were
waiting for tickets.When at last his turn came,he got the right ticket.By
asking several people the way,he also found the right platform ( 站台 ).It was
crowded and he was not able to get on the first train,but he was able to move
nearer to the edge of the platform to be ready to get on the next one.When a
train came in,Tom was thrown on to the train by the rush of people from behind.
The doors closed and the train moved off before he was able to get his breath (
呼吸 ) out.Since he was not able to see the names of the stations where the train
stopped,he had to count the number of stops so that he knew where to get off.
His station was the seventh along the line.
  When the train reached the seventh station,Tom got off.But he was
surprised to see that he had got off at a station that he had never heard of.A
man on the platform told him that he had traveled on a train going in the wrong
direction ( 方向 ).
  (  ) 64.Why did Tom go to the station?
  A.To take a train.B.To meet his friends.
  C.To say goodbye to his friend.D.To go home from work.
  (  ) 65.What did Tom find when he arrived at the station?
  A.Only a few people there.B.A few people waiting to buy tickets.
  C.Many trains there.D.Many people waiting to buy tickets.
  (  ) 66.What did Tom have to do before he bought the ticket?
  A.To meet many people.B.To wait long to buy a ticket.
  C.To talk to some people.D.To ask the way to the train.
  (  ) 67.Why did Tom fail to see the names of the stations?
  A.He was too lazy to see them.B.They were too small for him to see.
  C.He was too busy to see them.D.It was too crowded for him to see them.
  (  ) 68.What did Tom do when he was on the train?
  A.He closed the doors.B.He counted the number of stops.
  C.He hurried to take a seat.D.He saw the names of stops.
  (  ) 69.Who made Tom take the wrong train?
  A.The train driver.B.The ticket seller in the station.
  C.All the people at the station.D.The people behind him on the platform.