作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 19:55:31
1.I am on the go all day long.I am very tired.划线部分:on the go A.跑来跑去B.忙忙碌碌C.出差在D.到处旅游2.Look!Our baby is going on all fours.划线部分:going on all foursA.爬行B.四面八方C.四脚朝天D.四海为家3.Ann never smokes,but she has lung cancer from her husband's second hand smoke.划线部分:second hand smoke A.抽二手烟B.抽过期香烟C.被动抽烟D.共同抽烟4.She has a home page on the Internet about her business.划线部分:a home pageA.家谱B.家庭故事C.家史D.主页5.We work like dogs to finish the job on time.划线部分:work like dogs A.像狗一样工作B.拚命工作C.驯服地干活D.不愿干活6.Your father is feeling free and easy today,so you can ask him for money.划线部分:free and easy A.很随和B.自由自在C.空闲无事D.无事可做7.The students give the singer a big hand.划线部分:a big hand A.刷一巴掌B.揪一把C.热烈鼓掌D.帮一个大忙8.We can't plan for this meeting,so let's just go and play
1B 2A 3A 4D 5B 6B 7C