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英语翻译1 今天,我不太舒服,晚上就先不看电影了.改天吧.2 这么好的天气,你为什么不出去玩,而一个人在家里呢?不无聊么

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 21:33:39
1 今天,我不太舒服,晚上就先不看电影了.改天吧.
2 这么好的天气,你为什么不出去玩,而一个人在家里呢?不无聊么?
3 等我病好了,就和你们一起出去玩
4 一起出去旅行吧,我知道一个很不错的地方.
一般生活化的口语句子翻译 就行.
5 你去看看孩子们是否已经睡着了?
6 你去看看 他们是否已经做好饭菜了?
7 请帮我看看 他们是否都已经准备好了。
1Today,I'm not feeling well,I won't see the film tonight.Maybe some other time.
2 the weather is so good,why don't you go out to play,but a person at home?Not boring?
3 I was ill,will go out to play with you
4 months we go out to travel,I know a great place.English sentence translation general life on the line.Thank you
5 you go and check whether children were already asleep?
6 you go and check whether they have good food?
7 please help me to have a look whether they are ready.