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关于A healthy body的英语句子【类似于中文谚语的那种】急!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/03 05:44:20
关于A healthy body的英语句子【类似于中文谚语的那种】急!
an apple a day keep the doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生远离我
再问: 还有么!!
再答: balanced diet,enough exercise,healthy body,don't get sick.这是我外教经常给我说的,膳食平衡运动充足身体健康不生病。
再问: 大概在给我三句左右OK?
再答: 他是口语化了一些,不怎么是个正规句子。If you have a balanced diet and.enough exercise,you'll have a healthy body and don't get sick.
再答: ok
再问: 不然大概一两句差不多也行,不求多少,只求最好能长一点就长一点
再答: 直接表达建议或者要求的行不行?你应该是在写和healthy lifestyle啊之类的有关的作文吧
再问: 因为版面比较大,就是不想写作文上去
再问: 所以想找句子填数
再答: Maintaining a nutritious diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables and minimal saturated fats and hydrogenated oils, promotes sound health and may boost your resistance to eye disease .
再问: 不是,我在画手抄报
再答: Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy. Let us have healthy, balanced diet and keep us well and active! Eat a low-fat, well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, keep your weight under control, and have no more than five alcoholic drinks a week
再答: 这是三句,以前老师给我们的笔记例句。?
再问: 楼上上我抱走了OK?
再问: 求加QQ,QAQ大大我想跟您学习!!
再答: 抱走吧。我也没有很怎么样就是在跟着老师努力学T_T这些都是老师给的例句我扒翻了一下笔记本恩T_T
再问: 求QQ
再答: 454299809 但是我得寒假以后或者明年暑假上了,高三狗你懂的
再答: 等等!能先采纳一下吗\(////)\