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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 08:36:05
“外校”是指什么,外国语学校的话是foreign language school,其他的学校是other schools,这个你自己看看是哪个意思吧
再问: 。。外校就指别的学校。我不知道该怎么说中文,所以拜托了
再答: 我这个基本是对话,第一行是班长,然后对话 can i help you? nice to meet to you, i am new here, from other school. i want to know some information about this school. how many students are there in each class, and how many classes are there? our school have about 50 people in one class, and 10 class a grade. what subjects do we have? would you please give me a class schedule? we have 2 languages classes, 4 natural sciences, and 3 social sciences. and this is the schedule here you are. we have to be in school from 7 a.m. to 7p.m. where is the canteen? it is opposite of the technology building, and the dormitory is next to the canteen. oh, i see. can you introduce our teachers for me? of course, lets go to the office, you will have a nice impression on them. thank you so much. 不知道你要的难度,长短怎样,我还可以改改,如果你有要求的话