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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/02 19:50:01
Americans extroverted,warm version that informal courtesy,their customs and rituals,there are many stands out from the crowd.The United States is a strong sense of the country,various activities have started at the scheduled time,lateness is impolite.Ties with the Americans about simple call on the phone,the other side will be very happy to agree to meet in the shortest possible time.Americans have the habit of quid pro quo,but they felt it important to accept gifts One is the American people do not value their own gifts to the value of the second law prohibits excessive gifts,souvenirs brought from home.art,and other famous Americans like a gift,except for holidays,Americans generally do not eat even invited to treat gifts.American society has to pay the habit tips,projects of all services required to pay tips,hotel doormen.room service pay no less than 1 dollar tips,15% admitted to deliver food restaurant tips.Americans dinners -- is a public relations nature of arrangements at the hotel,clubs,paid for by the host company.close friends and relatives were invited down to the meal.Americans for food,and a wide range of different ethnic groups,different tastes,hamburgers,"hot dogs" and sky.Kentucky fried eggs are bombing hand circle and swept the world of food,but the Americans are guests of a private banquet economic benefits not keeping up appearances,not a formality.The usual private banquet room is a long table with a big salad,roast chicken or a big barbecues,all dish,a plate of fried rice.a tray of bread and confectionery film,fruit,cold drinks,wines and spirits.They sat around the table,the owners say "Please" airs each person a plate,feeding their favorite fare.Add random after eating,customers eat while exclaiming talk freely.Americans guests will be invited to a meal,drink or friends to the villa,as a way to tide over the weekend.is not necessarily required to make recompense for the other,if he has the opportunity to invite each other to dinner on it.Eaten After dinner,guests are special masters should express special thanks to retrace
英语翻译美国人性格外向,热情直爽,不拘礼节,他们的风俗礼仪存在着许多与众不同之处.美国是一个时间观念很强的国家,各种活动 英语翻译美国人的商务谈判风格摘 要:美国人自信、外向、突出个性的性格,铸造了美国商人独树一帜的谈判风格:干脆直爽,注重效 英语翻译帮我翻一下.我自己写的..尽管我不是一个美国人,但在我的意识中,美国人代表着自由、热情、随和.美国是一个移民国家 英语翻译美国人具有非常强的时间观念,他们非常珍惜时间,同时也不喜欢别人“浪费”时间.他们为了挤出更多时间,所以做事总是很 礼仪和礼节的含义分别是? 英语翻译本人对办公软件熟悉,有良好的礼仪知识,性格乐观开朗,为人热情,待人接物大方、有礼,亲和力强,对工作充满热诚,工作 英语翻译作者Sergey Frank 向读者介绍了美国商人的谈判风格—看似自由、随便、不拘礼节,让人感觉轻松、愉快,但同 性格直爽,爱发议论的人是( ) 英语翻译喜欢和各种观念打交道,爱好艺术性、创造性的工作,特别是喜欢从事想象力较强的活动,关注内在感受,乐于表现.在管理活 又具有外向性格的特点还带着点内向性格的特点到底是外向还是内向? 英语翻译性格外向、乐观开朗、自信坚强;为人正直诚实、吃苦耐劳,办事认真细致,有着很强的责 英语翻译1.本人性格踏实沉稳,为人热情谦和.英语口语流利,能熟练运用常用办公软件,写作能力较强.具备很强的责任感和团队协