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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 06:13:04
1----to give up smoking ,he three away his ----cigarettes A determined remaining Bdetermining remaining 不是也有determine to 也有be determined to do吗应该怎样区分.2 Anne is said -----in Africa ,and she will come back next month.A to do research B to be doing research Cto have done research D to have been doing research .怎样判断时态?——3Dearling,where ----the key to the door?___Oh ,I--it here ,but now it is gone .A did you put ; have put B have you put ; put.4 Where were you at lunch time I ----a seat for you in the dining hall.A saved B was saving C have saved D had saved 5 ----for the final exams,thestudents didnot have much time to play games.A prepared B preparing C TO be prepared D Be prepared..6 We sat side by side ,watching the sun going down behind the old Texaco service station across the busy street,---- I was never allowed to across unless ----- A the one ;being accompanied Bthat,accompanying C one ; accompanied D which ; accompanying .ONE 和THE ONE 怎样确定用哪一个?只要会的都可以答,不需要全部都会.
Mother wanted to be a good provider,a role she ----since her marriage to father A shoulders B shouldered C is shouldering D has been shoulding 这个句子主句不是过去时吗,那从句不就应该是过去的某种时态吗
这一题意思是这样的:决定了要戒烟,他把他剩下的香烟都扔了.这里three应该是threw吧.原句还可以这样写:he threw away his remaining cigarettes.he has determined to give up smoking.两句要合并为一句就要考虑到时态,动作先后等,完成时态要作为状语从句,直接去掉主语he和has.这里的remaining作为形容词使用,很常见的用法.
意思是:听说安现在正在非洲做研究,并且下个月就会回来.这里后面半句决定了前半句的时态.说她下个月才会回来,说明她现在还在非洲做研究.现在进行时,B才合乎句意.A,不合语法.C,意思是曾经,句意不连贯.D也是合乎语法的,不过不如B合适,这里如果说前半句加一个例如“for 3 months”这类的表示一段时间的短语的话,D又比B更加合适了.
前面选择have you put ,有点责问的意思.后面表示过去的一个动作,用put.
“要为考试做准备”是后面“学生没有时间玩”的原因.因此还可以写成“the student didnot have much time to play games because they were preparing for the final exams ”
one 和 the one的区别在于one是泛指,the one是特指,这句里,显然是特指"我除了有人陪同就不被允许穿过的"那条街