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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 02:29:26
3.定义以下什么是humanities (用英文)
4,定义以下什么是civilization (用英文)
英语:(1) The nature and the development process of human society, but also some things that the process of development or personal experience.
(2) In the past facts, obsolete things. Example: this matter has already become history.
(3) the record of past events, history, origin; Memorabilia.
(4) document and explain the process of human activities as a series of historical events in an disciplines.
(5) title. "Greece Persian war history." The ancient Greek historian Herodotus book. The book of nine volumes, the former four volumes main recalled Egypt, Babylon, Persia, and Lu Ya end, the West XU Ya local history and Greece, after Greece and Persia five volumes describes the causes and after the war, stop BC 479 years. There are many books on the legends of miscellaneous, not credible. But this book is the first important European history books.
(6) personal curriculum vitae; experience
(7) the process of forming the next influential events
(8) to historical records, conquerors beautify their own tools.
(9) the truth of history, often with the passage of time in evolution.
(三)对过去事件的记载, 沿革, 来历; 大事记.
n.Abbr. sc., sci.(名词)缩写 sc., sci.
The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.
Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.
Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study.
Methodological activity, discipline, or study:
I've got packing a suitcase down to a science.
An activity that appears to require study and method:
the science of purchasing.
Knowledge, especially that gained through experience.
Science Christian Science.
Science 科学:基督教科学
Humanities :
“人文学科”(humanities)这一名称本身就是科学所界定的,是20世纪对那些被排拒在自然科学和社会科学之外的学科的简便总称. "Humanities" (humanities) the name of science itself is defined in the 20th century for those who were excluded in the natural science and social science disciplines outside of the simple Said. 现代哲学是由科学形成时清除出来的东西界定的,其他现代人文学科则首先以古典语文学的形式出现,其后衍生出历史、现代语言甚至艺术史. Modern philosophy is cleared by the Scientific formation defined by the things, while other modern humanities disciplines to classical philology first appeared in the form of subsequent rise to history, language and even modern art history.
人文语根是一切学科之母,在语根那里,不仅会看到神话学、宗教学、文学、史学、哲学、经济学、政治学、语言学、伦理学、管理学、传播学、语言学等人文类别之消解,而且会看到社会学科和自然学科的界限之消融. Language is the root of all the humanities disciplines of the home, where the language roots, not only will see the myth of science, religion, literature, history, philosophy, economics, political science, linguistics, ethics, management, communications, linguistics Digestion, and other categories of humanities, and social sciences and will see the limits of the natural subjects ablation. 从语根的角度看,人文是从“结绳记事”起步的,而人文学以“人文”为根本. From the point of view of root words, the humanities from the "Jieminjishi" start, and the Humanities "humanistic" as a fundamental. 科学以“类”区分事物,先有“类”的科学,后有分类的学科. Science, "" distinguish between things, to have "Class" of science, after the classification of subjects. 人所创造的文化和文明是人文科学的两个根本层面,人文学科随着社会的发展在发展,语词亦随着社会的变化而变化,相对而言,人文语根及其意义则变化不大. Created by the people of the cultures and civilizations is the humanistic two fundamental scientific level, with the humanities and social development in the development, along with the words to the changes in social change, relatively speaking, cultural roots and significance of the phrase is no big change.
Civilization generally refers to people living and have a certain economic and cultural areas. 它的含义有时与文化相同(但在考古学和人类学里,文明和文化有截然不同的含义). Sometimes it with the meaning of the same culture (but in archaeology and anthropology, civilization and culture has different meanings). 文明经常与城市有很密切的联系. Civilized cities and often have very close ties. 文明一词本身就有“城市化”和“城市的形成”的含义. The word civilization itself "urbanization" and "city of" a meaning.
英文中的文明(Civilization)一词源于拉丁文 “Civis”,意思是城市的居民,其本质含义为人民和睦的生活于城市和社会集团中的能力. English civilization (Civilization) the word from the Latin "Civis", meaning the city's residents, the essence of the meaning of harmony for the people living in cities and in the ability of social groups. 引申后意为一种先进的社会和文化发展状态,以及到达这一状态的过程,其涉及的领域广泛,包括民族意识、技术水准、礼仪规范、宗教思想、风俗习惯以及科学知识的发展等等. After intended as a kind of extension of the advanced state of social and cultural development, as well as the process of reaching this state, the areas covered extensively, including the national consciousness, technical standards, decency standards, religious ideology, customs, as well as the development of scientific knowledge, etc. .