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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 02:53:14
Create a dialogue with your partner according to the given situation:
1.A has two tickets for a car exhibition and invites B to go together this weekend. B gladly acccpets the invitation. B learns that A has a friend working at the exhibition center and can get free tickets.
2. A finds B very upset. B says he just broke up with his girlfriend Susan, because she wants to get married but he wants to have a career first. A tries to comfort B.
3. A tells B that Philip proposed to her. But Philip is much younger than A and lives in another city. A hesitates to accpet the proposal.
4. A and B and talking about B’s boyfriend Chris. B thinks he is handsome and hardworking. A thinks he is too old, but B doesn’t care. B also thinks love is more important than other people’s opinion.
5. B is reading a brochure full of ads. A thinks advertising costs too much money and customers have to pay more because of the ads, whereas B thinks advertising tells people about products.
6.A is a salesperson, and B wants to buy a pair of jeans. They will talk about the size, color, price and way of payment.
7.A believes money can buy happiness. B disagrees and cites countevidence. Finally they reach an agreement.
8. A wants to borrow money from B to buy a digital camera. B is also short of money and advises A to save up for it. B does not want to miss the 25%-off sale, but A does not think a camera is an urgent matter.
9. A and B and talking about the important exam A will have tomorrow. A worries that he/she will fail. B comforts him/her and offers some advice.
10. A is ill. B suggests A go to see the doctor and take injections. But A doesn’t want to because he/she is afraid of injections.
11. One of B’s classmates wants B to help him cheat in the final exam. A talks about the problem with B and gives suggestions to B.
12. A and B are leaving a party. A has drunk so much that he smells of alcohol and can hardly talk and walk. A offers to drive B home.
13. A finds B looks miserable and asks why. B was fined 100 dollars for a car accident. A further finds that B had the accident because he broke the traffic rules.