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英语翻译After Herriot graduated from high school,he made up his

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 21:55:39
After Herriot graduated from high school,he made up his mind to be a vet,especially for dogs.He went to college,but soon found out that to be a vet just for dogs was impossible during that time.Mostly,vets helped heal horses,cows,sheep and pigs.As he loved animals,he continued his education.After he graduated,he found a job in Yorkshire,England.It was a beautiful part of England.Herriot loved the beautiful countryside,but treating large animals was very hard work.Before long,Herriot noticed that people in the country also had dogs as pets.They were never treated when they became sick because the vets wonldn't heal them.Herriot started treating the dogs.At first other vets laughed at him,because he wasn't working on "real" animals.However,the owners of the dogs were very glad that Herriot knew exactly how they felt when they saw their sick dogs become well again.He himself kept two dogs,Hector and Dan.They would go with him in his car every day as he went to the farms to heal sick animals.
Later in his life,James Herriot wrote a lot about his experience as a country vet in Yorkshire,England.He wrote ten books,all about animals.He even wrote a book,just about dogs,James Herriot's Dog Stories.No matter how much he loved all kinds of animals,he loved dogs the best.
herriot高中毕业后,他下决心要兽医、 尤其dogs.he上过大学,但很快便发现这是个只狗是不可能审核那段时间.多数,91帮医治马匹、牛、羊、pigs.as自己喜爱的动物,并继续他education.after毕业,他找到一份工作,在约克郡、英格兰england.it是一个美丽的一部分.herriot喜爱美丽的乡村,但对待大型动物很难work.before长,人们注意到,在国家herriot也从未把狗作为pets.they因为生病而成为91wonldn'tthem.herriot开始愈合治疗狗.起初等91嘲笑他,因为他不是从事"真正的"animals.however,业主的狗很高兴herriot晓得怎么样当看到自己的狗生病again.he自己保持两成狗,并威吓dan.they会陪伴他,因为他每天车到农场治好病动物.后来在他的生活中,詹姆斯herriot写了很多关于他的经验作为一个国家在审核克夏、england.he写十个书籍 一回事animals.he甚至写了一本书,只是狗詹姆斯herriot的狗stories.no再多他爱所有的动物,他最喜爱的狗