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英语翻译What is the sky?where is it?How high is it and what lies

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 09:58:28
What is the sky?where is it?How high is it and what lies above it?These questions are quite diffcult to answer,aren't they?Is the sky blue?The sky has no color.We know that there is air aroud the world.When planes fly,they need air to lift their wings.Planes can'tfly very high because as they go higher,the air gets thinner.If we go up about 1200 kilometers from the earth,we find there is no air.Maybe we can answer some of our questions nom.The sky is space.Inthis space there is only the sun,the moom and all the stars.
天空是什么?它在哪里?它和什么在它上面躺卧是多高度?这些疑问相当是 diffcult 回答,他们不是吗?天蓝色是吗?天空没有颜色.我们知道有空气 aroud 世界.当飞机飞的时候,他们需要空气举起他们的翅膀.飞机 can'tfly 非常高的因为当他们更高地去,空气变得比较薄.如果我们在距离地球大约 1200 公里处上升 ,我们找没有空气.也许我们能回答一些我们的疑问 nom .天空是空间.Inthis 空间只是太阳,moom 和所有的星.