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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 22:19:34
首先,是表明立场和主张的需要.抗战爆发以后,中共从原来遭受严密封锁的境况中走出来,变成全国性的大党,公开走上全国政治生活的大舞台,受到人们越来越密切的关注.他们希望了解中共对时局和中国未来前途的看法.而中共要在抗日民族统一战线中坚持独立自主,也必须在全国人民面前旗帜鲜明地提出自己区别于其他政治力量的主张. 其次,是反对国民党顽固派的需要.抗战进入相持阶段以后,国民党内的顽固派拚命鼓吹“一个主义、一个政党”的主张.1939年1月召开的国民党五届五中全会,通过了《关于党务报告之决议案》,要求国民党“应力求革命理论之领导”,“而使违反主义之思想无从流布于社会,而于战区及敌人后方,尤应特别注意”.号称国民党“理论家”的叶青公开主张三民主义可以满足中国现在和将来的一切要求,中国不需要社会主义,国民党外的一切党派没有独立存在的理由.蒋介石更是鼓吹“以党治国”、“以党建国”,“要使抗战胜利之日,即为建国完成之时”.此外,国家社会党的张君劢也主张将马克思主义暂搁一边.这些言论和主张把“中国向何处去”的问题,尖锐地提了出来,要求中共必须对此表明自己的立场和观点. 第三,是统一全党思想的需要.党的六届六中全会批判了王明的左倾教条主义,但是党内一些同志对于中国革命的性质、阶段、抗战胜利后中国的前途等问题,仍缺乏明确的认识,甚至存在着错误的看法.这就要求在理论上阐述中国革命的重大问题,指明正确的前进方向,澄清党内的错误思想,统一全党的认识. 最后,中共有了说清这个问题的可能性.这时的中共,已经有了大革命、土地革命、抗日战争的近20年的经验教训,已经成为一个政治上成熟的政党.以毛泽东为代表的第一代领导人,已经能够把马克思主义同中国革命的具体实际很好地结合起来,能够系统地问答上述问题. 一、新民主主义论的主要内容《新民主主义论》是毛泽东思想的重要篇章,是我党早期形成的重要思想理论体系.《新民主主义论》提出了新民主主义革命论.毛泽东分析了中国当时的国情,强调了当时的中国革命既不是一般的旧式的资产阶级民主主义革命,也不是无产阶级社会主义革命,而是特殊的新式的资产阶级民主革命,即新民主主义革命.认为 “中国革命分为两个历史阶段,而其第一阶段是新民主主义的革命,这是中国革命的新的历史特点”.《新民主主义论》明确提出了“我们要建立一个新中国”,“我们共产党人,多年以来,不但为中国的政治革命和经济革命而奋斗,而且为中国的文化革命而奋斗;这些的目的,在于建设一个中华民族的新社会和新国家.在这个新社会和新国家中,不但有新政治、新经济,而且有新文化.这就是说,我们不但要把一个政治上受压迫、经济上受剥削的中国,变为一个政治上自由和经济上繁荣的中国,而且要把一个被旧文化统治因而愚昧落后的中国,变为一个被新文化统治因而文明先进的中国.一句话,我们要建立一个新中国.”毛泽东从马克思主义的立场出发,结合中国当时社会实际,广泛地阐述了新民主主义的经济、政治和文化;毛泽东又依据社会存在决定社会意识、社会意识又作用于社会存在这一历史唯物主义的基本原理,正确阐述了政治、经济和文化的辩证关系.他指出,第一,新文化是新经济和新政治的反映,并且是为新经济、新政治服务的.有什么样的政治和经济就有什么样的文化.第二,文化对政治、经济有巨大的能动作用.一定形态的政治和经济是首先决定那一定形态的文化的,然后,那一定形态的文化又可给予影响和作用于一定形态的政治和经济.文化对于政治和经济不是消极的被动的反映,而是积极的能动的反映.
First of all,is to show that the position and propositionneeds.After the outbreak of the war,the Communist Party of China suffered from the original blockadecircumstances come out,become a major national party,open onto the national political life on the big stage,has attracted more and more attention.They hope to understand the views on the current situation and the future of china.But the CPC in the anti-Japanese national united front to stand on one's own,must also put forward their different from other political forces in favor of takethe people of the country.Secondly,is the need tooppose the Kuomintang die-hards.After the Anti-Japanese War entered the stage of stalemate,the die-hards within the Kuomintang was advocating the "one doctrine,a political party" proposition.1939 January heldthe five session of the fifth plenary session,through the"resolution on the report of case",requiring the Kuomintang "should strive to lead the revolution theory","the idea of violation of doctrine not spread in the community,and in the war zone and the rear of the enemy,especially should pay special attention to".Known as the "theorist" Ye Qing publicly urged the three people's principles can meet all the demands of Chinanow and in the future,China does not need to socialism,all parties Kuomintang and no independent existence reason.Jiang Jieshi is advocated "ruling the country by the party","party state","to make war on the day of victory,is the completion of the".In addition,the National Socialist Party Zhang Junmai also claims that Marx's bag.These claims to "whither China" problem,pointed out,demanding the must show its position and views.Third,is the need to unify the thinking of the whole party.The party's six plenary session of six critical Wang Ming pinko dogmatism,but some comrades in the party,the nature ofthe Chinese revolution stage,after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War China future problems,is still a lack of clear understanding,and even the existence of errors.This requires the major problems of the Chinese revolution in theory,indicates the correct direction,clarifyerroneous ideas within the party,the party's unity of understanding.Finally,the possibility of the said clear this problem.At this time of the Communist Party of China,have a revolution,the agrarian revolution,the Anti-Japanese War nearly 20 years of experience,has become a politically mature party.With Mao Zedong as the representative of the first generation of leaders,have been able to practice the Marx doctrine with Chineserevolution are well combined,can systematically answersthe question.A new democratic theory,the main content of "new democracy" is the important chapter of Mao Zedong thought,is an important ideological system of the early formation of our party."The new democratic theory"put forward the theory of new democracy revolution.Mao Zedong analysis of China's national conditions,emphasized the bourgeois-democratic revolution at the time of the Chinese revolution is not the general old,alsonot a proletarian socialist revolution,but a special newbourgeois democratic revolution,the new democratic revolution.Believe that "the Chinese revolution is divided into two stages,the first stage is the new democratic revolution,this is the new historical characteristic of the Chinese revolution"."New democracy" explicitly proposed that "we want to build a new China","since we Communists,for many years,not only for China's politicaland economic revolution and struggle,but also for theChinese Cultural Revolution and struggle; thesepurposes,is that the new society and new countryconstruction one of the Chinese nation.In this new society and new state,not only a new politics,the new economy,but a new culture.That is to say,we should not only take a political oppression,economic exploitation ofChina,into a political freedom and economic prosperity ofChina,and an old culture to the rule so ignorant and backward China,into a new culture and civilizationadvanced Chinese rule.In a word,we want to build a new china." Mao Zedong from Marx's standpoint,combined with the social reality in China at that time,the broad scope of the new democratic economy,politics andculture; Mao Zedong basis of social existence principledetermines social consciousness,social consciousnessand the role of the social existence of the historicalmaterialism correctly,expounds the dialectical relationship between politics,economy and culture.He pointed out that,first,the new culture is a reflection of the new economy and the new politics,and for the new economy,the new political service.What kind of political and economic will have what kind of culture.Second,culture has a great role in the political,economic and.Certain forms of political and economic decisions that must be the first form of culture,then,that a certainculture but also to influence and role in certain forms ofpolitical and economic.Culture for the passive reflection of the politics and the economy is not negative,but a reflection of the positive initiative.
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