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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:12:44
Compound commercial space design In the modern metropolis,is accustomed to the quick rhythmpeople needs in convenient,to be quick,the economy,the collectionmany kinds of functions to in a body comprehensive space,enjoys thehigh efficiency the life and the work,thereupon the compoundconstruction then arises at the historic moment.Distinguishes for the traditional construction symmetry,the rulepattern,mutually relates by the different spot between,causes thebuilding multilaterally to present,the winding geometry modelling,each other division actually mutually relates.Through to the behaviorand the spatial rational analysis,the use line constitution,formsthe order and the measure consciousness feeling,and attempts topromote the spatial transaction platform the status.Through theconstruction space separation and the relation,causes the entirecomplex compound and the monomer perfect conformity,produces theconsumer,the transaction platform,the commercial medium,the cityand so on are many to the interaction,forms conforms to the peoplepsychology,physiological as well as the esthetic need commercialspace.This design proposal passes the geometry construction body mutually toalternate,forms the public space and the compound space in thealternation.Has the similar physical property (material qualityclose,modelling harmony,function echoes) and the culturalcharacteristic (meets people psychology need and spiritual demand,hascorresponding values either ethics function) the building influencespace compound or the superimposition are partial is the public space.Is creating this plan each kind encircles gathers spatial time,vigorously pursues the influence space which as desired producespositively,the harmonious superposition.Like this already increasedthe unit space connotation,causes the spatial rich interest and themobile feeling; At the same time,also causes to the spatial use richefficiency.Mutually alternates the public space which forms to takethe construction element,the spatial structure gathers the strengthand the radiating power,creates the pleasant transaction space,direct action to transaction platform.The overlapping transactionplatform folds in the way,moves out of place and extends obtains theexpansion and is rich,the transaction platform causes people's activepath to form "the maneuver" in here and "is detained",causes possiblebig increase which each kind of transaction occurs.
英语翻译复合性商业空间设计现代都市中,习惯于快节奏的人们需要在一个方便、快捷、经济、集多种功能于一体的综合空间里,享受高 人们通常以为微波食品是安全的.在美国,90%以上的家庭拥有微波炉.微波炉既快又方便,经济实惠,是现代快节奏生活的理想烹饪 英语翻译在经济日益繁荣的今天,都市生活节奏越来越快,人们的经济水平越来越高,对自身的要求也苛刻起来,渴望自己不仅在工作上 英语翻译xx地产集团是集房地产规划设计、开发建设、物业管理于一体的现代化大型房地产综合企业.集团旗下拥有国家一级资质的房 现代人的生活节奏越来越快,各方面原因导致身体素质不断下降,为了了解现代都市人 快捷的反义词信息传输的快捷,给人们本来( )的生活节奏注入了新的活力。(注意:括号中填快捷的反义词) 在信息时代,人们的通讯方式不仅方便而且快捷,用英语怎么说 英语翻译21世纪是一个信息社会,人们的生活节奏越来越快,同时随着科学技术的不断发展,他们设计出各种不同的电子自动化仪器来 在飞驰的高速列车上,人们津津乐道地谈论着乘坐高铁出行带来的快捷与方便.这句话中的语病在哪里? 英语翻译快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映 现代科技带给我们好处的同时,也给我们带来了某些烦恼.比如,人们在运用电脑享受到快捷方便的同时,也担心电脑病毒的干扰;有些 在现代社会,计算机网络把世界连成一个整体,信息传递更加方便,快捷,信息内容更加丰富多彩,对人们的生活产生了更大的影响.但