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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 01:26:52
This article mainly from mineral, textiles, electronics and other industries describes our current product price competitive export phenomenon, and from the enterprise, countries and people's livelihood perspective markets this phenomenon is caused by deforestation, by analyzing the formation of the cause of the low price competition for export, by analyzing the formation of the cause of the low price competition for export, the "business players, export, disarray and statute of the perfect and our scientific level enough advanced, on the introduction of the lack of supervision of foreign capital is China's export market price competition. Combined with Japan's Toyota Motor Corporation and China Ko e-case study, made for the export of low-priced recommend easy monopoly product through national and industry alliances limit malignant low price competition; on funds and research capacity of enterprises to establish brand and core technology to come out of the low price competition; on the other enterprise, to strengthen corporate social responsibility and obligation to just the right amount of control costs, limit price. In addition, the Government and other relevant agencies and departments to adjust industrial distribution, reform of local government and help maintain the enterprise and steady development, boot export market distribution and strict management of foreign investment, and so set out to try to improve our country's low price competitive export behavior.
英语翻译摘要本文主要从矿产、纺织、电子产品等行业介绍了我国目前所存在的产品低价竞争出口现象,并从企业、国家和民生角度列举 英语翻译摘要本文主要从机电行业介绍了目前我国机电行业所存在的产品低价竞争出口现象,并从企业、国家和民生角度列举出了这种现 英语翻译增强知识产权意识 提升企业竞争优势摘 要:本文介绍了《企业知识产权诊断与策略》一书的主要内容,作者从系统性、法理 英语翻译摘要 本文主要从环境 地域风情 人文习惯 地方特产 历史等方面介绍了北海银滩及周边景点.主要有南国星岛湖 北海银 英语翻译最后,本文从立法、司法、执法几个方面提出了改进办法,力求从竞争法角度全方面地规制山寨产品,保护知识产权,保护经营 英语翻译摘要:茅台企业是我们国家酒文化的代表,茅台酒的市场定位是高端产品,但是在当今酒行业竞争日趋激烈的形势下,作为国际 英语翻译我国会计监督现状及其发展内容提要 摘要:本文分析了我国会计监督的现状,对存在的相关问题提出一些措施,从社会、国家 英语翻译浅析中国企业导入CI存在的问题内容摘要:本文首先通过世界品牌排行榜说明了国际企业的竞争已进入到品牌竞争的时期,从 中文译英文!摘要:本文首先从企业文化的定义、内涵和表现形式、内容等方面认识企业文化,并阐述了现代企业文化的功能,接着从企 一句中译英将下段翻译成英文摘要:本文在比较中西方传统园林基础上,从起源、文化背景等各个层次和角度剖析了其异同.摘要:中西 英语翻译本文主要从合理纳税的角度,具体介绍了个人所得税纳税筹划的意义及必要性,个人所得税主要涉税项目的纳税筹划.(帮忙将 英语翻译摘要:随着经济全球化的发展,市场竞争已从单纯的产品、价格竞争转入到品牌竞争.当今市场已经进入了品牌时代.拥有品牌