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英语单选 会的帮我下 1.Does the teacher know everybody ___ planted the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 07:03:35
英语单选 会的帮我下
1.Does the teacher know everybody ___ planted the trees
Yes,he does
A.which B.whose C.who D.that
2.Forty minutes ___ for the children to finish all the work.
A.is quite a long time
B.are quite long time
C.was a quite long time
D.were quite long time
3.__ of us has read the story,sowe know nothing about it.
A.Some B.Both C.Neither D.All
4.Would you like some more rice?
Yes,just ___.
A.afew B.few C.Neither D.All
5.Look!That man looks like Mr Brown.
It ___ be him,because he ___ America
A.can't has gone to
B.may not;has gone
C.mustn't;has been to
D.can't;has been to
6.Jim with his parents ___ abroad.They ___ back in two weeks.
A.have gone ; will come
B.has gone;will came
C.have been to;have come
D.has been to;will come
7.___ he failed in the math exam again,___ he never gave up.
A.Because;so B.Because;/
C.Although;but D.Although;/
8.Keep ___ and you'll succeed.
A.to try B.tries C.trying D.tried
9.Mary is flying to France soon.She will arrive___ ,London ___ the morning of July 19.
A.to;on B.in;on C.in;in D.at;in
10.Mary doesn't like dancing.____
A.Neither do I B.Either do I C.So do I D.So I don't
11.We couldn't see ___ because the light in the room was poor.
A.encugh clear B.clear enough C.enough clearly D.cclearly enough
12.-What does your English teacher look like?
- _____
A.He is kind B.He likes reading C.He's thirty D.He's thin and tall
13.We should keep on ____ English every day.
A.to practice to speak B.to practice speaking C.practicing to speak D.practing speaking
14.I'd like some water,but he wants___.
A.two bottle orange B.two bottles of orange
C.two bottle oranges D.two bottles of oranges
15.Mike is learning ___ a computer.
A.how can he use B.how to use C.how he use D.how to using
1C;2A;3C;4错题,应该是 a little;5A;6D; 7D;8C;9B;10A;11B;12D;13D;14B;15B
再问: 打时间长了 看错行了 呵呵 A.a few B.few C.a little D.litte
再答: 那就是C.a little
再问: 帮我翻译下呗 谢谢
再答: 翻译那道题?
再问: 都不会
再答: 1.老师认识种树的每个人吗?是的。 2.40分钟让孩子完成所有的活,时间太长了。 3.我们都没读过这书,所以我们都一无所知。 4.还有米饭吗?一点点。 5.瞧,他人很想Brown。不可能,他已经去美国了。 6.Jim和父母去美国了,两周之后回来。 7.虽然数学考试又没及格,但是他不放弃。 8.不断尝试,你会成功的。 9.Mary正飞往法国,她7月29日上午到达伦敦。 10.Mary不喜欢跳舞,我也不喜欢。 11.我看得不太清晰,房间的灯较暗。 12.你的英语老师长得咋样?有高又瘦。 13.我们必须每天坚持练习英语。 14.我要一些水,但他有两瓶橘汁。 15Mike在学习怎样用计算机。 ====累死我了!你的要努力哦!==== 帮你忙了,连谢一声都没有?