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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 04:43:57
倒装句主要有四种:(1)主谓倒装.在感叹句或疑问句中,为了强调谓语而将它放到句首,以加强感叹或疑问语气.(2)宾语前置.否定句中代词充当宾语、疑问代词充当动词或介词的宾语以及用“之”字或“是”字作为提宾标志时,宾语通常都要前置.(3)定语后置.古汉语中有时为了突出修饰语,将定语放在中心词之后.(4)介宾结构后置 A.在疑问句中 各种疑问句一般地说都是倒装语序.例如:Will they come to see us this weekend 这个周末他们将来看我们吗?Are you talking about the film you saw last Monday 你们是在谈论你们上周一看的那部电影吗?Can you speak another foreign language except English?除开英语,你还能说另一种外语吗?Where did you buy the dictionary,in the book store nearby or in Xinhua bookstore?你在哪儿买的这本词典,是在附近的书店还是在新华书店?She is not a student,isn't she 她不是个学生,对吗?B.在感叹句中 某些感叹句也用倒装语序.例如:Isn't it a beautiful garden !多么美丽的花园啊!What a beautiful garden it is !多么美丽的花园啊!(在这种句式中,主语在谓语之前,属于自然语序.对于主语和谓语而言,语序没有倒装.) Have you ever seen such a naughty kid like him !你见过那个孩子像他这么调皮!C.在陈述句中 陈述句在一般情况下用自然语序;但由于英语语法的某些原因,陈述句也要使用倒装语序.这些原因大致可以归纳如下:1) 为了避免句子部分内容不必要的重复,常用"so + be动词(助动词、情态动词)+主语"或"neither / nor + be动词(助动词、情态动词)+主语"的倒装句式.其中第一个句式表示"与前面所述的肯定情况相同",第二个句式表示"与前面所述的否定情况相同".例如:His brother is a college student; so is mine.他弟弟是大学生,我弟弟也是.His brother is not a college student; nor is mine .他弟弟不是大学生,我弟弟也不是.He used to have his further study abroad; so did I.他曾去国外深造过,我也去过.He didn't use to have his further study abroad; neither did I.他没去国外深造过,我也没有.One of my friends can speak three foreign languages; so can his wife.我的一个朋友会说三门外国语,他的妻子也会.One of my friends cannot speak three foreign languages; neither can his wife .我的一个朋友不会说三门外国语,他的妻子也不会.They are now preparing for their final examinations; so are we .他们正在为期末考试作准备,我们也一样.They are not now preparing for their final examinations; nor are we .他们没在为期末考试作准备,我们也没有.2)具有否定意义的词或短语置于句首时(除否定词修饰主语外),句子一般要写成部分倒装句.