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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/15 01:23:14
Book 4 Modules 5-6参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BDCAC 6-10 BADAA
11-15 BCDDC 16-20 BBACD
21-25 CBCCA 26-30 DDBCA
31-35 CCDCD 36-40 CBBCB
41-45 CBCCB 46-50 BBCDC
51-55 FGDBE
56. They won’t look for the bikes. / They
won’t bother tracking the bikes.
57. To show that the BikeSpike is necessary.
58. Protecting the BikeSpike. / Preventing thieves tearing the BikeSpike off.
59. By sending a notice.
60. To introduce the BikeSpike and call
on people to use it.
61. ... I found out ... 去掉out
62. There was many ... many → much
63. ... I know something ... know → knew
64. ... about an owner ... an → the
65. ... get in touch ... touch后加with
66. ... told her about ... told → telling或told前加and
67. ... not long after ... after → before
68. So exciting ... exciting → excited
69. ... and I politely ... and → but
70. ... happy and pride. pride → proud
One possible version:
Friday 27th September 2013
I attended the English speech contest on the topic “My Dream” held by my school this afternoon.
The first 6 candidates performed very well. So I felt a little worried about whether I could also do as well as them. At the thought of the words “I can do it”, I became calm a lot. Soon it was my turn, when I said “My dream is to be a teacher. Teaching gives me an opportunity to keep on learning”, my teachers and classmates cheered for me. I gained much confidence and went on to do my best. Finally I won first prize.
Becoming a teacher is not so easy as I said, but I'll keep my word and do my best to make it come true.
1. B.第一空特指“以丰富的自然资源而闻名的那个岛”,故用定冠词The ;cover a total area of ... 共占地…….
2. D.根据前一句“我在想安妮发生什么事了”可知,“ 她到目前应该(should)在这里”.
3. C.“only +状语从句”位于句首时,主句用部分倒装语序,且由题意可知,在此应用can表示“能够”,故选C项.
4. A.分析句子结构可知,the one 为little Italian restaurant 的同位语,且I mentioned in my letter 为定语从句,修饰the one,关系词在从句中作mentioned的宾语,故选A项.
5. C.claim 后可跟动词不定式,且由but分句可知,shake 所表示的动作已发生,故选C项.claim to have done sth.声称曾经做过某事.
6. B.由“太可惜了”可知,后句表示“要是我们再努力一点的话可能就已经赢了这场比赛”,故用might have done 表示对过去情况的虚拟.
7. A.根据前一分句“野生考拉生存最大的威胁是栖息地遭到破坏”可知,现在他们有灭绝(dying out)的危险.break out 爆发;come out 出现,出版;run out用完.
8. D.forbid sb. to do / from doing sth.禁止某人做某事.
9. A.“It is / was + 被强调部分+ that /who + 其它部分”是强调句型.当被强调部分指人时,可用that / who;当被强调部分是其它时,一般只能用that.该题中强调主语(指事情),故选that.
10. A.根据问句“你想要见我?”及答语“我需要一些钱.你能借给我一些吗”可知A 项(I’ll come straight to the point 我就开门见山了)符合语境.
11. B.由上文的a terrible nursing home可推测,作者猜想那里的住客去洗手间需要“帮助(help)”.
12. C.由上文的I imagined the place as a terrible nursing home 及下文的The view of my grandmother's room was beautiful ... 可知,作者之前的设想是“错误的(wrong)”.
13. D.由上文的Her two rooms with a private bath 可推测,这种居住环境对于八十多岁的老人来说很“ 好(great)”.
14. D.上文提到房间的多个优点,据此推测,作者的奶奶“喜欢(liked)”她的房间.
15. C.由第一段最后一句中的my aunt took me to see my grandmother 及第二段可知,此处指作者和姑姑的“拜访(visit)”.
16. B.由下文的to spend hours talking to old people and hearing their long, boring stories of family and wars 可推测,作者的奶奶想让作者去养老院作志愿者.故选volunteering.
17. B.18. A.作者认为拜访养老院的经历还不错,但是长时间和老人聊天、听他们讲述无聊的故事并不能激发作者的兴趣.
19. C.由于距离暑假时间还长,加上生活繁忙,作者将奶奶的“建议(suggestion)”抛到了脑后.
20. D.由下文的To my surprise, she talked to the director 可推测,到五月份时,作者的奶奶对自己的想法很“兴奋(excited)”.
21. C.由上文的To my surprise 可推测,作者的奶奶未经作者的“同意(agreement)”就找养老院的主管谈话.
22. B.由下文的After scheduling my first day 可知,作者最终被“说服(persuaded)”尝试作养老院的志愿者.
23. C.由下文的I wasn't sure if the residents would ... 可推测,作者变得有点“焦虑(anxious)”.24. C.作者不确定住客会不会“接受(accept)”自己.
25. A.由下文的Instead of a large beano hall crowded ... 可推测,作者所见和所想不同,看到眼前温馨而又充满魅力的场景,作者感到很“惊讶(surprised)”.
26. D.由于是在养老院,作者原以为雇工宴席会挤满老人.故选old.
27. D.在接下来的两个月里,作者花了100多个小时作志愿者.
28. B.事实证明,这段经历确实值得作者付出时间和努力.故选Certainly.
29. C.作为志愿者,走在养老院的走廊里,作者有一种很棒的感觉.awesome很棒的,绝妙的.
30. A.住客可能不知道作者的名字,但是他们知道作者在乎他们.
31. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的One of his greatest possessions was a watch he had bought for four dollars at Wal-Mart 及And it was, because it was his 可知,作者之所以称赞Stan的手表是因为那是他所拥有的最好的东西之一.
32. C.句意理解题.由下文可知,作者对施粥所的很多人非常熟悉,据此可推测,作者和他们关系亲密,可以直呼其名.故C项正确.
33. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的Stan was next to me setting out the trays可知.
34. C.推理判断题.由最后一段可知,Stan 不在乎自己得到了什么,而是注重自己为别人付出了什么,这就是他快乐的原因.由此可得出:施予比接受更有福.故C项正确.
B 篇(学校生活)
35. D.推理判断题.由第一段中的had us write an essay on an environmental issue 及最后一段中的being a tree-hugger means you care about the environment 可知,老师的外号源于她关心环境.
36. C.词义猜测题.由第三段中的I have always cared about the environment and assumed that others did too. From the surprised look on my teacher’s face, I could tell she felt the same way 可知,作者和老师一样对学生们的评论感到震惊.故选shocked.
37. B.段落大意题.第五段主要介绍了保护环境的方法,如回收利用、植树、节约用水.故B项正确.
38. B.推理判断题.由最后一段首句中的When my teacher told me to read my essay to my class 可推测,作者的文章符合老师的本意,所以老师才让作者在课堂上给同学们朗读自己的文章.故B项正确.
39. C.推理判断题.由第二则招聘广告最后一段中的Four consecutive hours per day, Monday-Friday between 7 am and 7 pm (plus one Saturday per month, 8 am-5 pm) 可知,该项工作要求每天连续工作四小时,周一到周五上班,每月有一个周六上班,故每周最多工作6 天,也就是24小时.
40. B.细节理解题.由第四则招聘广告中的第四项要求A desire to work with the elderly可知.41. C.推理判断题.由四则招聘广告的要求可知,四份工作都要求申请者具备良好的沟通技巧.
42. B.细节理解题.由第一则招聘广告中的Candidates should be proficient in both English and French 可知B项正确.
D 篇(科普知识)
43. C.细节理解题.由文中的Plans are already in the works to send astronauts to Mars as soon as themid-2030s 可知,到目前为止人类尚未到过火星.
44. C.标题归纳题.该部分主要介绍了三方面内容:去火星路途遥远,耗时长;太空生活会严重损害人体;各种生存必需的资源问题有待解决.这些都反应了极端恶劣的条件.故C项最适合作本部分标题.
45. B.推理判断题.由倒数第二段Worse still, if any of those Martian germs were brought back to Earth, the result could be disastrous. Animals, plants, and people could be wiped out可知,最危险的事情是火星上的细菌被带回地球上,从而毁灭地球上的生命.
46. B.细节理解题.从文章最后一段的How can we justify spending that much when so many problems — poverty, disease — could use the cash here on Earth?可知作者认为这项花费不值得,因此正确答案为B项.
E 篇(科普知识与现代技术)
47. B.词义猜测题.根据上一句中的a fast developing area of automatic personal identification technology 可知,生物测定学可以确认人的身份,由此可推测,这里指生物测定学用各种方法“核实”人的身份.
48. C.细节理解题.由倒数第二段中的Iris scans currently give the highest level of accuracy among all the available biometrics systems 可知,虹膜扫描是目前最精确的生物测定手段.49. D.推理判断题.由最后一段中的exciting and encouraging 以及will become even more effective in the future 可知,作者对生物测定技术的未来充满信心.
50. C.写作目的题.本文围绕生物测定技术展开,介绍了不同的技术以及与密码系统相比,生物测定技术的优势等.