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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 14:08:39
the clever lamb
a lamb is very hungry and wants to eat some grass .under a tall tree there is a nice big patch of fresh green grass .but a fierce dog tied to the tree would not let the lamb come near .finally the lamb has an idea .he uses it to put wit the dog and eat the grass.
can you guess what the lamb does?
1 My sister is an assistant in a shop.She wants to sell some goods.The sweater is fifty yuan,the bag is forteen yuan,the T-shirt is twenty-one yuan and the socks are two yuan.The produces are good and welcome to buy it.
2.The kindergarten in our community want to hire a part-time instructor.The instructor must be patient to take care of those kids.And he or she must have the ability to teach them some knowledge.If you want this job,please tell me.
智力快车:The lamb loosen the rope which tied the dog to the tree and free the dog,the dog ran away then the lamb ate the grass.
写两篇英语作文!1.假如你姐姐是一名售货员,她要出售下列商品:毛衣,每件50元;背包,每个14元;T恤衫,每件21元;袜 某商品的进价为每件40元,售价为每件50元,每个月可卖出210件;如果每件商品的售价每上涨1元,则每个月少卖10件(每件 某商品的进价为每件40元,售价为每件50元,每个月可卖出210件;如果每件商品的售价每上涨1元,则每个月少卖10件(每件 某商品进货单价8元/件,按10元/件出售,每天可销售50件,若每件提价1元,销售量每天减少5件 某商品的进价为每件40元,售价为每件50元,每个月可卖出200件.如果每件商品的售价上涨1元,则每个月少卖出10件(每件 某种商品的进价为每件50元,售价为每件60元,每个月可卖出200件;如果每件商品的售价上涨1元,则每个月少卖5件(每件售 某商品的进价为每件40元,售价为每件50元,每个月可卖出210件;如果每件商品的售价每上涨1元,则每个月少卖10件.设每 某商场进价为每件40元的商品,按每件50元出售时,可卖出500件,若商品每件涨价1元,则销售减少10件.为赚取8000元 某商场进价为每件40元的商品,按每件50元出售时,可卖出500件,若商品每件涨价1元,则销售减少10件.为赚取9000元 1.商品若干件,每件12元则共盈利100元,若每件9元则共亏损50元.问有多少件商品?商品总成本是多少元? 有分某商品的进价为每件50元,售价每件不低于60元且不高于90元.售价为每件70元时,每个月可卖出200件;如果每件商品 某商场将每件进价为40元的商品按50元的价格出售时,每个季度可卖出210件 如果该商品每件售价上涨1远 则每个季度少卖1