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学校将举行感恩活动.请你以“My Mom”为题写一篇短文,介绍你亲爱的妈妈

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 09:37:00
学校将举行感恩活动.请你以“My Mom”为题写一篇短文,介绍你亲爱的妈妈
When it comes to me mom, I have a lot of things to say.
As we all know, Women love to be beautiful, and my mom is, total love dress, so I secretly says mom to boast mom. There is a big round mirror in front of her bed. Through the mirror, I am always seeing a “girl” more than forty five years old looking in a mirror and as if she is admiring her chubby face, her curly reddish hair, and her medium height. That “girl” is my mom. Then she begins to put on lipstick carefully. Every now and then, ask me “Do you think your mom is beautiful?” “Yes! my dear mom, you are beautiful” I say impatiently. You know I need to answer her this kind of question at lest three times a day. There is a most impressed thing in my memory. One day, I was sleeping in my room. My mom waked me up. “It is just 6 am, my dear mom” I said in a daze “I need your advice” Then I knew that she is going in to take a party with her old friends. Then I followed her in to her room. My mom began to turn her chest. There are many of clothes in the wardrobe and they are divided in to four floors according to the seasons. The clothes are laid very tidy. Then my dear mom put them on one by one. “Oh ,this one is old fashioned” “ This one is too coquettish” my mom complained .I was shocked my her sharp voice “ This one is too small, I can not put it on” I said to her carefully “Mom, do you think you keep a balance diet” Then she felt a little bit sad “I should not notice it” After a while, she swore to me very sincerely “From now on ,I will begin to lost weight” One hour had passed. I began to lose my patient. “Mom, this one is very suitable for you” I wanted to stop it. “Oh, honey, this one is OK” she looked the mirror again and again, turned around. After thinking twice, she smiled to me “That it is, honey” My mom finally got the clothes and she was very happy. She started to praise me. Next ,my mom began to dress up. It did not finish until 9am. Then my mom chose her favorite handbag and wore beautiful high-heeled shoes. “My mom is really a beauty” I said sincerely then my mom went to then party happily.
Secondly, my mom has her own method to get on well with neighbors. What is it? My mom is keen on sharing things with others. I just do some errands for my mom. When I was young, my mom bought a lot of bananas. I felt very happy because the banana is my favorite fruit. When I planed to eat, I was forbidden. I just saw my mother divvied it in to four parts and put them carefully in to plastics. I knew what she want me to do. “No, I will not go and give it to them” I said quickly before mom saying. “Why should we sharing them with others” I said angrily. “We have nothing with them” I began to complaining. “Dear” mom said quietly “What” I replied. Then mom told me with a little sympathy that our neighbors are in poor conditions. We should help them when we have the ability. Next I just did as my mom told me. Finally, I felt very happy, because my villagers appreciated mom very much. My moms often look after an eighty years old woman, helping her cooking, washing her hair, buying fruit for her. My mom advice me to accompany her if I have time and I did, I felt really pleasured as well.
Mom is not only beautiful and but also her inside is wonderful. I am proud of her.