来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/11/06 09:31:01
日积月累 accumulate through long years
2.日暮途穷 at the end of one’s rope
3.日日夜夜 day and night
4.日新月异 fast-changing
5.日以继夜 night and day; day in and day out
6.分秒必争 Every minute counts.
7.千钧一发 at a critical moment
8.千秋万代 throughout the ages
9.千载难逢 once in a blue moon
10.穷年累月 year after year; from year to year
11.日落西山 like the sun setting beyond the western hills; on the wane
12.闰年 leap year
13.霎时间 in an instant; in a twinkle
14.上旬 the first ten days of a month
15.深更半夜 late at night
16.时过境迁 Time has changed.
17.瞬息万变 change at every moment
18 遗臭万年 be cursed for ever by posterity; remain infamous in history
19 无时无刻 all the time; constantly
20 猴年马月 donkey’s years
21 与日俱增 be on the increase day by day
22 蒸蒸日上 grow more and more prosperous
23 有朝一日 someday; when the day comes
24 指日可待 can be expected soon
25 一日千里 at tremendous speed; by leaps and bounds
26 一年到头 all the year round; throughout the year
27 有生之年 the rest of one’s life; one’s remaining years
28 新纪元 new era; new epoch
29 延年益寿 prolong one’s life
快:日月如梭、光阴似箭、光阴似箭 日月如梭 日积月累 十载寒窗 争分夺秒 惜时如金
时光荏苒 千金一刻 时不我待 时过境迁
白驹过隙 弹指之间 转眼即逝 光阴似箭 似水流年
弹指飞快 度日如年 如隔三秋 时光荏苒 天长地久 深更半夜
日月如梭 斗转星移 恍若隔世 沧海一粟 每时每刻 日积月累
日落西山 穷年累月 千载难逢 日暮途穷
时光如梭 千秋万代 千钧一发 日日夜夜 日以继夜
分秒必争 日以继夜 日新月异
日积月累 accumulate through long years
2.日暮途穷 at the end of one’s rope
3.日日夜夜 day and night
4.日新月异 fast-changing
5.日以继夜 night and day; day in and day out
6.分秒必争 Every minute counts.
7.千钧一发 at a critical moment
8.千秋万代 throughout the ages
9.千载难逢 once in a blue moon
10.穷年累月 year after year; from year to year
11.日落西山 like the sun setting beyond the western hills; on the wane
12.闰年 leap year
13.霎时间 in an instant; in a twinkle
14.上旬 the first ten days of a month
15.深更半夜 late at night
16.时过境迁 Time has changed.
17.瞬息万变 change at every moment
18 遗臭万年 be cursed for ever by posterity; remain infamous in history
19 无时无刻 all the time; constantly
20 猴年马月 donkey’s years
21 与日俱增 be on the increase day by day
22 蒸蒸日上 grow more and more prosperous
23 有朝一日 someday; when the day comes
24 指日可待 can be expected soon
25 一日千里 at tremendous speed; by leaps and bounds
26 一年到头 all the year round; throughout the year
27 有生之年 the rest of one’s life; one’s remaining years
28 新纪元 new era; new epoch
29 延年益寿 prolong one’s life
快:日月如梭、光阴似箭、光阴似箭 日月如梭 日积月累 十载寒窗 争分夺秒 惜时如金
时光荏苒 千金一刻 时不我待 时过境迁
白驹过隙 弹指之间 转眼即逝 光阴似箭 似水流年
弹指飞快 度日如年 如隔三秋 时光荏苒 天长地久 深更半夜
日月如梭 斗转星移 恍若隔世 沧海一粟 每时每刻 日积月累
日落西山 穷年累月 千载难逢 日暮途穷
时光如梭 千秋万代 千钧一发 日日夜夜 日以继夜
分秒必争 日以继夜 日新月异