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英语翻译找出正确的选项,并把句子译成汉语91.Water pipes ______ rusty aftera perio

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:50:16
91.Water pipes ______ rusty after
a period of use.
a.become b.is
becoming c.are become d.were become
92.This foreign scientist ______
in our college for fifteen years and does not want to leave.
a.worked b.is
working c.works d.has been working
93.______ to have dinner with us
a.Will you like
b.Do you like c.Wouldn’t you
like d.Won’t you like
94.What I was uncertain about
______ whether they could overcome the difficulties.
a.is b.will
be c.had been d.was
95.“Certainly,______ him about
something else in any case,so it won’t be any bother.”
a.I’ll see b.I
see c.I can see d.I’ll be seeing
96.By the time the course
ends,______ a lot about Britain.
a.we’ll learnt
b.we are learning c.we have
learnt d.we’ll have learnt
97.All the machines ______ by the
end of the following week.
a.were repaired b.would be repaired
c.will have been
repaired d.were being repair
98.He will come to call one you
the moment he ______ his work.
a.will finish
b.finishes c.had
finished d.finished
99.I don’t think she’ll be upset,
but I’ll see her in case ________.
a.she’ll b.she
is c.she does d.she would
100.“I wish that your sister
would come to visit me.”
“Well,I’ll tell
her when I ______ her.”
a.see b.saw c.well see d.would see
91.A 92.D 93.B 94.D 95.C
96.C 97.C 98.B 99.A 100.A
再问: 还有翻译
再答: 91.水管用了一段时间后就会生锈。 92.这位外国科学家已经在我们大学工作了十五年,也不想离开。 93.你今晚想和我们一起吃晚饭吗? 94.我不确定的是他们能否克服这些困难。 95.显然,以防万一的话我将会去见他,不用麻烦了。 96.课程结束的时候,我们已经学到了很多关于英国的知识。 97.在接下来一周结束的时候,所有的机器都要被修理好。 98.他一结束工作就会给你打电话。 99.我认为她不会难过的,但为了以防万一我将去看看她。 100.我希望你妹妹能来看看我们 好的,我看到她的时候会告诉她的。