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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 13:13:42
本文基于异步风力发电机控制系统研制的要求,按照发电机惯例建立了风力发电机的数学模型,并运用MATLAB/SIMULINK 对其过程进行了仿真,仿真结果与风力发电机实际运行情况基本相符.
In recent years,wind energy as a renewable and clean energy has increasingly come under the extensive attention of all countries in the world,making nearly 30 years of wind power in the world has been the rapid development of wind turbine wind power generation system as the core of key equipment,Localization of the design and manufacturing problems have been the bottleneck of China's wind power generation.In the past 10 years,as China's wind power generation equipment 9 of the work of domestic and asynchronous generators of research and design of the electrical industry has been pressing to resolve the issue at the national preferential policies related to the support and promotion of China's wind power Has been the cause of the rapid development of wind power in 1998 reached a total installed capacity of 203,950 kilowatts.With the wind scale of the expansion,due to the wind and the occasional random to the characteristics of wind power on the stability of power grids have been Can not be ignored.Transient potential for the establishment of variable wind generators asynchronous model,making wind turbines in wind power system stability can be analyzed in terms similar to synchronized machine to deal with them.Asynchronous wind generator of wind power is an important model,a simulation based on the SPS module of great significance.The asynchronous generators,since the structure is simple,cheap,and does not require strict and network devices,can be more easily connect with the power grid,but its speed can be changed to a certain extent,will be able to absorb wind energy transient.However,Xu Jiezhu asynchronous generator power grid was exciting,adding to the power grids of reactive power demand.
Based on asynchronous wind turbine control system developed by request,in accordance with the established practice of generating wind turbine model,and use MATLAB / SIMULINK its process of the simulation,the simulation results and the actual operation of the wind turbine basic line.
求一份英文翻译近年来,风能作为一种可再生的清洁能源日益受到世界各国的广泛重视,使得近30年来风力发电在世界范围内得到了快 英语翻译风能作为一种可再生的清洁能源具有广阔的利用前景.我国风力发电起步晚,发展快,纵观世界发展风力发电很不均衡,技术利 风能为一种可再生的绿色能源,风力发电已被广泛应用,风力发电是将通过风力发电 随着世界各国对环境保护、能源短缺及节能等问题的日益关注,可再生能源越来越被重视.风力发电作为一种清 风能是一种很好的再生能源,而且对环境的污染较小,近年来我国在西北地区,建立了许多风力发电厂.如图所示,为风力发电的情景. 目前低碳已成为保护地球环境的热门话题,风能是一种清洁能源,近几年我国风力发电装机容量迅速增长, 风能是一种清洁能源,按可再生能源和不可再生能源分类,它属于______能源.今后国家将大力发展风力发电,风力发电是将风的 我国风力资源极为丰富,发展风力发电大有可为。风能作为清洁能源,已列入我国的新型战略性产业。我国自1980年开始推广风力发 (10分)我国风力资源极为丰富,发展风力发电大有可为。风能作为清洁能源,已列入我国的新型战略性产业。我国自1980年开始 我省风力发电是将风的什么能转化为电能,风能属于什么再生能源? 风能是一种可再生的清洁能源.风力发电机是将风能(气流的动能)转化为电能的装置. 作为一种清洁能源,风能的开发越来越受到人们的关注。读“陆地与海上风速剖