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英语介绍四川 十万火急

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 10:13:21
英语介绍四川 十万火急
Sichuan Province in southwest China's hinterland, across the Tibetan plateau, mountain range, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Qinling and Sichuan basin, several landscape units, lying west to east, from northwest to southeast tilt. And Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi border, is the only eight provinces and regions around the adjacent provinces, but also connected the southwest, northwest and central areas of the natural bonds of the three. Snow Mountain is the highest point west of the main peak of Mountain, up to 7556 meters above sea level. Complex and varied terrain.
Complex and changeable weather in Sichuan. West Sichuan Plateau, east is east Sichuan Basin. Two-thirds of the plateau area of the province, an area of about three hundred and sixty thousand square km, the basin only over two hundred thousand square kilometers. Including Sichuan Aba, Ganzi, Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture of three adjacent western Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, all three thousand meters above sea level. Mountains and canyons with vertical features of the climate, high altitude mountain to Tian Han, the winter when the temperature was about minus twenty degrees Celsius to second, and the winter as long as five and a half years. June to September is the rainy season, November to March is the dry season. Celsius during the dry season midday temperatures can reach thirty second. Plateau more than six hours of sunshine. Blue sky set off the grass, green trees, beautiful scenery.
Sichuan is one of China's four major basins, an area of 170,000 square km, 300-700 m above sea level, surrounded by 1000-4000 meters above sea level surrounded by mountain. Longquanshan bottom of the basin west of the West Sichuan plain, from the Chengdu Plain, Meishan - Emei plains. Among them, the Chengdu Plain area of 6200 square kilometers, is the largest plain in our province. Longquanshan hilly landscape east of the basin area. Quite different geomorphic conditions in the area, pursuant to which China can be divided into Sichuan mountain hills, parallel to Ridge Valley area in East Asia the two landscape areas. Huayingshan peak elevation of 1704 meters, is the highest peak in the basin. East Sichuan Basin surrounded by mountains 1000-3000 m above sea level, is a natural barrier to block the cold air in winter. Basin climate with warm winter, spring early summer heat and other characteristics (Chengdu temperatures xxxiii degrees Celsius) in summer, generally up to four to five months. More clouds throughout the year, less sunshine, there are clouds in the overcast above the average annual total two hundred days, particularly in winter fog.
Eastern Mountain Region Southwest transverse mountain ranges in the middle of Zhongshan canyon landforms. 94% of the region the area is mountainous, and most of north-south, two mountains and one trough. Mountains more than 3,000 meters above sea level, the individual peaks over 4000. Mainly small Liangshan Mountains, Da Liangshan, Xiaoxiangling, Jinping. Peak of asbestos, Kowloon and the junction of three counties of Kangding unknown peaks as high as 5793 meters above sea level. The Liangshan Mountain area east of the mountain of the original large landscape. The original top of the mountain altitude 3500-4000 meters, the top of the north wind, south huangmao ridge. The central part of the peaceful valley plains, an area of about 960 square kilometers, is the second largest plain in the province.
Sichuan Northwestern terrain sloping from west to east, is divided into hummocky plateau and high plains. Qiu Gu white, round mound valley wide, arranged in sparse, widespread swamps. Distributed in Ruoergai, red area of the original and the Aba plateau bog is the largest swamp in southern China with. Western Sichuan mountains of the northwest, southeast. According to the original cutting depth can be divided into mountain valleys and alpine areas. Major mountain ranges in the Minshan, Bayan Har, Muni Mount Qishan, Snowy Mountains, cho la, Shaluli Hill. Snowy Mountains 7556 meters above sea level in Mt peak, it is not only the first peak in Sichuan, but also world-famous peak
四川省位于中国西南的腹地,地跨青藏高原、横断山脉、云贵高原、秦巴山地、四川盆地几大地貌单元,地势西高东低,由西北向东南倾斜.与湖南、湖北、贵州、云南、西藏、青海、甘肃、陕西 接壤,是中国唯一周围有八省区毗邻的省份,也是连接西南、西北和华中三大区的天然纽带.最高点是西部的大雪山主峰贡嘎山,海拔高达7556米.地形复杂多样.