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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 02:57:29
Celestial bar 主要以播放经典歌曲和轻音乐为主,酒吧内有驻场歌手,逢整点时演唱3首歌曲,逢节假日还会有歌舞表演,酒吧内经常转播足球赛事,客人以老顾客为主,每天营业时间从晚上7点——凌晨2点.
Marco Polo Hotel的大堂吧位于酒店一楼中庭,有大小28张台,近100个座位,营业时间从早上8点——凌晨12:30.
提问者应该是在两个酒吧工作过,一个是Celestial bar,一个是Marco Polo Hotel的大堂吧.
驻场歌手 in-house singer
整点 at every hour exactly
老顾客 regular patron
Q:What type of bar did you work for?Please describle the bar(s) you used to work for.
Well,I used to work for two bars.One is called Celestial Bar.It is a
music bar featuring classic songs and light music.Celestial Bar has
its own in-house pop singer who performs three songs on the hour.On the
occasoin of public holidays and over weekends,Celestial Bar also
offers dance shows as a plus.Live soccer matches are shown on the bar's
television TV very often.The majority of the Bar's day-to-day
customers are regular patrons.The opening hours are from 7 p.m.to 2
The other bar I worked for is the lobby bar
of Marco Polo Hotel.It has 28 tables and nearly 100 seats.The business
hours are from 8 a.m.to half after midnight.