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They lost their way in the forest,and______.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 22:10:51
They lost their way in the forest,and______.
Which of the following is wrong?
A.what made matters worse was that night began to fall
B.what was worse,it was getting dark
C.to make matters worse that night was falling
D.worse still,night had fallen
看来是选个正确的答案了,ABC是错的 D是对的
再问: 说下理由吧
再答: 1.A.中 what made matters worse是插入语,不能写为主语从句式的主从复合句,正确的为:,and what made matters worse, night began to fall. 2.B.中what was worse,缺少make是不能构成插入语的,改为:what made matters worse, it was getting dark. 3.C中to make matters worse that night was falling作为插入语的部分应该用逗号独立出来,改为:to make matters worse, night was falling 4.D中worse still,可以作为插入语使用,并有逗号和后面的句子night had fallen分割开来,正确 5.他们当时在森林里迷了路,并且更为糟糕的是,夜幕已经落下了。 不懂再问哦,祝你学习进步!