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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/16 18:20:06
肥壮壮的藏羚羊.他眼睛一亮,送上门来的美事 沉睡了一夜的他浑身立即涌上
是浮现着给他跪拜的那只藏羚羊.他有些跷蹊,藏羚羊为什么要下跪 这是他几
"Tibetan antelopes the Guibai"
This is a listen to the story of Tibet. In the story of a number of years ago. However, every time I
Travelling through the northern Tibet depopulated zone, the Federation can not help but think of the heroine of this story - motherly love will be concentrated那只
In the deep kneeling Tibetan antelope.
At that time, shootings, arbitrary arrest wild animals is not subject to legal punishment. Is today, the Hoh Xil
With gunfire still evil sustain streamer - Nature Reserve in the Guardian visited their footprints hard to reach corners.
Then lift the foreseeable Tibetan antelope, wild horse, wild ass, frozen chickens, Huangyangtan, the moment has become rare.
At that time, people often run northern Tibet will see a total Jianpi long hair, a bushy bearded, pedal-EC
Possession of the old hunter boots in the vicinity of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway. That branch Modeiyouguang sparking Chazi Yegua gun in his possession,
Tibetan yak behind two Daizhao director of the various animals. He unnamed, Yunliu Quartet, in other northern Tibet snow,
Overnight accommodation River, when large simmer hungry yellow lamb, thirst, drinking a bowl of ice water. Liehuo those hides will be sold to natural
Some money, in addition to his own part of the consumer, used more in relief Luyong the pilgrims. Ke those long head
Pilgrimage to Lhasa, the Tibetan families are willing to take a difficult and dangerous situations filled with the long road. Every time the old hunter
Always in tears of relief when they wish: God bless safely without incident.
Kill and charities on the coexistence of the old hunters. He lay down to the hands of the Chazi guns in the event of such an
After the incident - it should be said that the day he was blissful days. Early in the morning from his tent up, stretch lazy stretch
Lumbar is a copper bowl for drinking tea, suddenly瞧见two steps away on the opposite stand in a grassland fertilizer
Fertilizer aims only at boosting his Tibetan antelope. His eyes brightened and presented by the good things asleep every night, he immediately well up
A momentum to a cool, and had no hesitation, it turned back to the tents used Chazi guns. He cited the Qiangmiao
, It is odd. That fat Tibetan antelope no escape, but with begging eyes looking at him, then
He clashed with two steps forward, two front leg Putong一声kneel down, while only two governors tears from its eyes
Flow out. The old hunter's hearts in a soft, trigger the withholding of a hand could not help but pine. An old popular among the Tibetan
David well-known saying: fly the birds, rats on the run, are-human. Tibetan antelope to the time he was
He knelt down naturally seek the mercy. He is a hunter, not Tibetan antelope's mercy is something for them to move things. He
A closed eyes, trigger fingers in the next move, gunshots sounded. That would Zaidao Tibetan antelope ground. It fell to the ground after
Lying is kneeling posture, eyes tear trace of the two firms also keep clear.
On that day, not like the old hunter will be hunting past as immediately opened slaughtered Tibetan antelope, expense Paper. His old eyes
He is to appear in the那只Guibai Tibetan antelopes. He some Qiaoqi, Tibetan antelopes to kneel This is why he has
10 years hunting career only to see a scenario. He covered the night lying in a long time to sleep, a hands
Straight trembling……
The following day, the old hunter with the feelings of Kengdaobuan那只Ripper expense Tibetan antelope skin, his hands are still trembling.
Open the abdominal cavity in the blades, he was surprised to bring up the sound, when the hands of the butcher's knife Gong一声off the ground……
Tibetan antelope to the womb, quietly Wozhao a small antelope, it has molding, of course, is dead. At this time,
Elderly people understand why the hunting of Tibetan antelope fertilizer aims only at boosting his body, and has to understand why the bulky body twisting your neck
Kneel for themselves: it is for the hunters left their children a life ah
Guibai all loving world, including animals, are sacred.
Ripper break old hunter belly and stopped halfway.
On that day, he did not Chuque, on the hillside in a pit dug,那只Tibetan antelopes not born with it by Hasbro
Son buried.
Since then, the old hunter on the grassland in northern Tibet disappeared, and no one knows the whereabouts.